Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 30 2022
P. 10
LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
The partners have already secured and mobi- of hydrocarbons at the Kawa-1 exploration
lised the necessary long-lead materials and are well. We are focused now on the transforma-
awaiting rig release from a third-party operator. tional potential of the Corentyne block ahead of
They will be using the Maersk Discoverer, the spudding the Wei-1 exploration well in Octo-
same rig that drilled the Kawa-1 well, to sink ber 2022, pending rig release from the current
Wei-1. operator.”
This second well will be drilled to a depth of Orlando Cabrales, Frontera’s CEO, con-
around 6,248 metres at a site 14 km north-west curred. “Frontera is excited to complete this
of Kawa-1 in 1,912-metre-deep water. agreement with CGX and continue our work
Prof. Suresh Narine, the executive co-chair- together on the Corentyne block,” he said.
man of CGX, commented: “CGX is pleased to “Building on the joint venture’s recent light oil
complete this farm-in agreement with Frontera, and condensate discovery at the Kawa-1 explo-
which enables CGX to strengthen its balance ration well, the agreement supports CGX’s cap-
sheet and secure funding for the Wei-1 explora- ital needs for the Wei-1 exploration well and
tion well. Our continued partnership with Fron- provides Frontera with an increased partici-
tera reflects the significant value we have created pating interest in the Corentyne block, which is
on the Corentyne licence and the opportunity truly one of the most exciting exploration areas
set that is now before us following the discovery in the world.”
Tenaris to provide products and service
to Petrobras for Búzios deepwater project
BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro- advanced equipment that this project will
bras has awarded a four-year contract to Luxem- involve. Petrobras also intends to make use
bourg’s Tenaris for the provision of products and of the PipeTracer digital tool, which provides
services that will be used for the Búzios deepwa- access to products’ technical specifications and
ter project. The deal covers more than 100,000 creates digital tallies, thereby eliminating the
tonnes of seamless and welded casing, in carbon, need for manual measurement.
sour-service and high-collapse steel grades. Búzios, a large deepwater oilfield in the pre-
Petrobras has also chosen to use TenarisHy- salt section of the offshore Santos basin, is cur-
dril BlueDock weld-on connectors, which have rently yielding about 700,000 barrels per day
proved to work well with the conductor casing (bpd) of oil on average. It is expected to see pro-
that the company has selected, for the Búzios duction rise to 2mn bpd by 2030, equal to 70%
project. The state-owned company has tested Brazil’s current national production levels.
the conductor casing and confirmed its compli-
ance with international protocols such as ISO
13679 and API 5C5. The connectors come with
automatic anti-rotational keys (AARK), thereby
enabling hands-free activation with the use of
special tools.
Other components that will be used include
TenarisHydril Blue Heavy Wall, Blue Max and
Wedge 623 premium connections. All of the
components that will be provided to Petro-
bras for use in the project are equipped with
enhanced safety features that are also designed
to achieve operational efficiency.
Tenaris will serve Petrobras according to its
Rig Direct service model, under which pipes will
be delivered to the port and will be ready to be
run at the offshore rig. These pipes will be man-
ufactured at Tenaris’ Confab production mill
in Brazil, as well as the company’s Tama mill in
Mexico and Dalmine mill in Italy.
The physical components to be used during
oil exploration are not the only technologically The Búzios oilfield may be producing some 2mn bpd by 2030 (Image: Petrobras)
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 30 27•July•2022