Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 30 2022
P. 6
LatAmOil MEXICO LatAmOil
Sempra Infrastructure, CFE sign
agreements on major gas projects
SEMPRA Infrastructure, a division of US-based as the Interoceanic Corridor in the Isthmus of
Sempra, said on July 21 that it had signed a pack- Tehuantepec, which aims to foster economic
age of new agreements with the Federal Energy growth and development the south-southeast-
Commission (CFE), Mexico’s national power ern region of Mexico.
provider, for the purpose of advancing co-oper- “These development projects would allow
ation on several major projects. CFE to potentially optimise the use of existing
In the statement, Sempra Infrastructure said natural gas pipeline systems, provide additional
that the agreements would serve as a basis for sources of LNG supply for isolated markets in
the creation of a joint venture with CFE to bring Mexico and continue to expand LNG supplies to
the Guaymas-El Oro pipeline back on stream. the global market,” Sempra Infrastructure said.
The joint venture will restart shipments through The company did not disclose the value
the pipeline, which pumps natural gas from of the deals. It did note, though, that the new
Sonora State to Sinaloa, after rerouting it, the agreements covering the Vista Pacífico and
company said. Salina Cruz LNG projects were preliminary and
(According to previous reports, the rerout- non-binding. Additionally, it stressed that all of
ing involves the construction of a bypass sec- the documents signed with CFE were subject
tion in order to allow the company to uphold to certain requirements being met, such as the
previous commitments to the Yaqui indigenous completion of feasibility studies.
community while also upholding its supply
The new agreements also outline the two
companies’ plans for moving forward with con-
struction of the Vista Pacífico LNG gas lique-
faction plant at Topolobampo, a port in Sinaloa
State, the statement said. This will include defin-
ing the project’s configuration in order to make
progress on the engineering and permitting
fronts, it explained.
Additionally, Sempra Infrastructure said,
the agreements expand on the memorandum
of understanding (MoU) that the companies
signed earlier in 2022 on proposals for the con-
struction of an LNG terminal at Salina Cruz, a
port in Oaxaca State. This project is designed to
support a Mexican government initiative known The agreements outline plans for the Vista Pacífico LNG project (Image: Sempra)
ExxonMobil makes 2 new finds at Stabroek
US-BASED ExxonMobil said on July 26 that it 40 metres of high-quality hydrocarbon-bearing
had made two finds at the Stabroek block off- sandstone, it noted. Meanwhile, it said, the Kiru-
shore Guyana, bringing the total number of dis- Kiru-1 well, which was sunk in 1,756-metre-
coveries made at the licence area this year up to deep water by the Stena DrillMAX drillship,
seven. encountered about 30 metres of high-quality
In a statement, the super-major reported hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone.
that it had found hydrocarbons in the Seabob-1 Drilling operations are “ongoing” at Kiru-
and Kiru-Kiru-1 exploration wells. Seabob-1, Kiru-1, it added, without elaborating. It did
which was sunk in 1,421-metre-deep water by not say whether it had found gaseous or liquid
the Stena Carron drillship, encountered around hydrocarbons in either of the wells.
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 30 27•July•2022