Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 30 2022
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                 Nigerian officials have often cited Petrobras as an example of a successful NOC

       Should Brazil copy Nigeria?

       The head of Nigeria’s NNPC Ltd is touting his company’s plan to distance itself from government

       policy on domestic fuel pricing, while Petrobras continues to set prices and incur the state’s wrath

                         FOR at least 15 years, Nigeria’s government has   country’s newly adopted Petroleum Industry
                         been holding Petrobras as an example of a truly   Act (PIA) – was unveiled in a splashy five-hour
       WHAT:             successful national oil company (NOC) and   ceremony.
       Kyari, the CEO of NNPC   saying that it hoped to see Nigeria’s own NOC,   Those present at that ceremony – including
       Ltd, says handling fuel   Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC),   Muhammadu Buhari, the president of Nigeria,
       imports for a fee will help   replicate the Brazilian major’s success.  and Mele Kyari, the former group managing
       distance the new compa-  Granted, NNPC has not been able to match   director of NNPC, now serving as group CEO
       ny from political fights.
                         Petrobras’ great stroke of luck in the form of   of NNPC Ltd – stressed that the new company
       WHY:              the massive offshore pre-salt discoveries in the   would be different from its predecessor. They
       The new policy is part   Santos and Campos basins. Nigeria does have   pointed out that the new entity was designed
       of a move to introduce   sizeable offshore oil and gas reserves, but not on   to function as a corporation and not as an arm
       corporate management   the same scale as those that have allowed Brazil   of the government, noting that it would not
       practices.        to push output up more than 1.5mn barrels of oil   have regulatory authority, would not distribute
                         equivalent per day (boepd) since the first finds   budget funds such as gasoline subsidies and
       WHAT NEXT:        in the pre-salt zone in 2005.        would have to compete with private operators
       Petrobras might be able   NNPC is, however, taking steps to move   for new contracts. These changes, they said, will
       to handle a fee-for-  closer to Petrobras’ management model, which   make NNPC Ltd more transparent, more effi-
       service model, since it   officials in Abuja view as one of the key drivers   cient and more capable of sustaining itself.
       is shifting its focus to   of its success. On July 19, the Nigerian NOC’s   In other words, they emphasised the fact that
       upstream operations, but   successor – Nigerian National Petroleum Co.   the new company would be managed like a cor-
       NNPC Ltd might be less   Ltd (NNPC Ltd), formally incorporated last   poration – rather like Petrobras, even if they did
       successful.       September in line with the provisions of the   not use that exact phrasing

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   27•July•2022
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