Page 15 - MEOG Week 09 2021
P. 15

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       information and insights company IHS Markit   Despite the unprecedented shock to   GAS
       in Houston, Texas, Nasser said there has   oil markets, he said demand destruction
       already been “quite an improvement” in oil   only amounted to about 9 percent: “This   Qatar to fund pipeline from
       demand compared to the drastic reductions   demonstrates how important our industry is
       during the pandemic lockdowns last year,   to the world economy.”        Israel to Gaza
       especially in China and East Asia.   ARAB NEWS
         “Indian demand is almost the same as                                   Qatar on Thursday pledged $60 million to
       pre-COVID,” he told oil market expert Daniel                             build a natural gas pipeline from Israel into
       Yergin.                             OIL                                  the Gaza Strip that will end the energy crisis
         “There has been an impact that we see                                  that has helped cripple the Gaza economy.
       in the West and the US. But with the rapid   Turkey’s crude imports fall   The Qatari statement, published on its
       deployment of vaccines, we are seeing good                               Foreign Ministry website, came two days
       cause for optimism and recovery in demand.”  Turkey purchased 2.6mn tonnes of crude oil   after Reuters reported that closed-door
         Current oil demand is at 94 million barrels,   from world markets in December, marking a   negotiations on the pipeline had reached a
       compared with pre-pandemic levels of 100   20.7% y/y decline.            breakthrough.
       million, and Nasser expected this to rise to 99   Iraq was the largest supplier at 490,000   Qatar coming on board publicly gives
       million barrels by the end of the year.   tonnes. It was followed by Nigeria at 413,000   another boost to the project, which has a 2023
         “I see demand and the market improving   tonnes, according to data from energy market   target date for completion.
       from here, especially in the second half of this   regulator EPDK. Turkey also bought 318,000   The plan is for natural gas from the
       year,” he said.                     tonnes of crude from Libya in the last month   deepwater Leviathan field operated by
         But Nasser said he expected “harsh   of 2020 while its purchases from Kazakhstan   Chevron in the eastern Mediterranean to flow
       realities” as a result of the economic damage   amounted to 276,000 tonnes. Russia delivered   through an existing pipeline into Israel, and
       from the pandemic, which he described as   134,000 tonnes.               from there into Gaza through a proposed new
       the “biggest crisis in a century” for the oil   Local gasoline consumption declined 19%   extension.
       industry.                           y/y to 191,000 tonnes in December, while   The European Union has said it would
         “There has been a huge impact on small-   diesel fuel sales moved down 3% y/y to 2.1mn   fund the Gaza-side of the pipeline.
       and medium-sized businesses, and more on   tonnes.                         Qatar said it “pledged to provide an
       employment,” Nasser said. “Rapid technology   Petrol Ofisi was the largest player on the   amount of $60 million to finance the
       advances were already having an impact on   Turkish fuel oil market, capturing a 23% share   project to supply the Gaza Strip with the
       jobs, especially low-skill repetitive-type jobs,   of total sales. Opet claimed second spot with   gas necessary to solve the electricity crisis,”
       reducing jobs and creating inequality in the   17%, followed by Shell & Turcas with 13.5%.  and that “this amount will be allocated for
       market in different parts of the world.  BNE                             extending gas pipelines from the Israeli side.”
         “Today we are seeing a recovery taking                                   Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad
       place and usually this is linked to job creation   Iraq’s oil exports rise to   Shtayyeh welcomed the pledge and said the
       and higher employment. My big worry over                                 pipeline will “resolve the problem of electricity
       the long term is a jobless recovery where   2.96mn bpd in February       in Gaza completely.”
       certain jobs are not going to return.”                                     With pipeline funding secured, what
         Nasser said Aramco, the world’s biggest   Iraqi oil exports rose to 2.96 million barrels   remains is a gas purchase agreement with the
       oil company, used risk-management systems   per day (bpd) in February from 2.868 million   Leviathan field partners.
       to help it respond quickly to the pandemic,   bpd the previous month, the Oil Ministry said   For years the project was a distant prospect
       which also significantly accelerated its use of   on Monday.             because of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
       digital and remote operating processes.  Exports from Iraq’s southern Basra   as well as internal Palestinian rivalries, but
         During the same CERAWeek forum, the   terminals reached 2.825 million bpd in   officials said that Israeli, Palestinian, Qatari
       CEO of US energy firm Chevron Corp., Mike   February, up from 2.77 million bpd the month   and European interests have converged in
       Wirth, said the key lesson learned from the   before, the ministry added.  recent weeks making plans more concrete.
       crisis was the “essential nature” of the oil   REUTERS                     Israel and Egypt maintain a tight blockade
       business.                                                                on Gaza, citing security concerns about the

       Week 09   03•March•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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