Page 14 - MEOG Week 09 2021
P. 14
POLICY it is very unfortunate. The timing of sending aggressive policy of what it considers to be
Cesme in the Aegean is at best regrettable. It is its rights in the East Med. The deployment of
Turkey starts exploration in not something that could not wait until later. Cesme in the Aegean is indicative of Turkey’s
determination to maintain the ante, even
The forthcoming exploratory meetings
the Aegean between Greece and Turkey, the European at a time when Erdogan has embarked on
a charm offensive towards Europe and the
Council summit in March and the meeting
Following the issue of an advisory note on the Cyprus problem are important to all. US. But as the FT pointed out “this outbreak
(Navtex) blocking an area in the Aegean I am sure the key players will work behind of reasonableness could be little more than
between the Greek islands Limnos, Skyros the scenes to calm the situation down and precautionary atmospherics.” Turkey still sees
and Lesbos from February 18 to March 2, the allow these to take place. How effective they maintaining tension as a means to enforce
Turkish oceanographic vessel Cesme started will be I wouldn’t know, but then I do not its demands – Erdogan probably perceives
surveys on February 18. A Greek government have great expectations that there will be any backing-off as a weakness.
spokesman called it “an unnecessary move breakthroughs. In a sign of hope for the future, the
which does not help positive sentiment.” In the meanwhile, the Biden exploratory talks between Turkey and Greece
Sending Cesme to the Aegean followed administration is considering a stronger that resumed at the end of January were
a meeting of Turkey’s National Security response against Erdogan. Turkey’s maritime constructive.
Council end of January, chaired by President claims and actions in the East Med is one of The two sides agreed to a follow-up
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, that declared that the the concerns shared by the EU and the US. meeting in Athens. Greece suggested this
country is “determined to protect its rights, This was confirmed following a telephone takes place in early March. Let’s hope that
relevance and interests in the East Med, the discussion end January, between US National the recent events do not derail this. Lowering
Aegean and Cyprus.” Erdogan appears to be Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and Bjoern tensions in the East Med is key to resolving
determined to maintain a position of strength Seibert, head of the European Commission problems and to future stability in the region.
come-what-may. cabinet, that identified Turkey, along with NEW EUROPE
On February 23 the Turkish state news China, as issues of “mutual concern.” Coming
agency Anadolu, citing sources in the Turkish so soon after US Secretary of State, Antony
Ministry of Defense, said that “four Greek Blinken accused Turkey – at his Senate COMPANIES
fighter jets harassed Cesme while conducting confirmation hearing – of not acting like an
surveys in the Aegean.” The Greeks strongly ally, it adds to the pressure on the country. Aramco CEO sees
denied this. In fact they said that Turkey The Biden administration is increasingly
appears to be orchestrating an ‘incident’ questioning the state of the ‘strategic improvement in demand for
to portray Greece – to the US and the EU partnership’ with Turkey. Linking Turkey with
– as the instigator of tension, before the China must be of great concern to Erdogan, oil in 2021
forthcoming crucial meetings in March. who hopes for a closer relationship with
It could be related to the fact that the Biden the US, especially as it now looks likely that Amin Nasser, president and CEO of Saudi
administration and the EU are considering the US will side with the EU over Turkey’s Aramco, sees an improvement in demand
a tougher line with the country. Alarmed, aggressive pursuit of its maritime claims in the for oil this year, especially in the second half,
Turkey may be trying to present itself as the East Med. Turkey will be expected to abide but he is worried about the risk of a “jobless
victim, rather than the aggressor, in the area. by accepted international law, and not just its recovery” for the global economy.
If so, it will be surprising if this works. own, ‘unique’, interpretation of it. Speaking virtually at CERAWeek, an
Whatever lies behind these developments, But Turkey is determined to continue an annual energy conference organized by the
P14 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 09 03•March•2021