Page 4 - DMEA Week 46 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       ADNOC seals


       deals at ADIPEC

       ADNOC’s customary annual flurry of deals has not disappointed, with major
       contracts signed throughout the hydrocarbon value chain, particularly downstream.

        MIDDLE EAST      ABU Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) this  Borouge joint venture’s fourth facility at Ruwais.
                         week used the platform of the emirate’s ADIPEC  Borouge 4 is expected to become operational by
                         conference to announce a raft of deals through-  the end of 2025 and feedstock will be supplied by
       WHAT:             out the energy value chain. While the company  ADNOC, while Borouge polyolefins (PO) will
       The company announced   customarily makes large announcements dur-  be used as feedstock for ADNOC’s world-scale
       several deals at this   ing the annual event, the scale of this year’s deals,  TA’ZIZ chemicals complex within the company’s
       week’s ADIPEC, with the   combined with the conference’s timing just a  Ruwais Derivatives Park.
       downstream comprising   few days after the closure of COP26 in Glasgow,   The Emirati firm said that the new facility will
       most of the action this   turned heads.                use Borealis’ proprietary Borstar technology to
       year.               ADNOC signed noteworthy initiatives to  produce a portfolio of products that can be used
                         further build out Abu Dhabi’s polyolefins (PO)  in energy, infrastructure, advanced packaging
       WHY:              and ammonia capabilities at the Ruwais down-  and agriculture.
       ADNOC is building   stream hub and moved into renewables along-  The agreement was signed between UAE
       out its capabilities in   side TAQA, with which it will develop 30 GW  Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology
       petrochemicals, hydrogen   of generation capacity while also agreeing pro-  and ADNOC managing director and CEO Sul-
       and renewables as it   curement deals for $6bn of oilfield equipment in  tan Al Jaber and Borealis CEO Thomas Gangl.
       looks to take the energy   the upstream.                 Al Jaber said: “ADNOC and Borealis’ sig-
       transition lead among   Meanwhile, Abu Dhabi’s Minister of Energy  nificant investment in the fourth expansion of
       Gulf NOCs.        and Infrastructure HE Suhail Al Mazrouei said  Borouge ensures the long-term and sustainable
                         that the total UAE refining capacity has increased  supply of core materials to critical sectors vital to
       WHAT NEXT:        to 1.2mn barrels per day, with crude oil produc-  both the UAE and global economy.”
       Further hydrogen-related   tion capacity now having reached 4.2mn bpd.  He added: “This expansion will see Borouge
       plans and deals are                                    become the world’s largest single-site polyole-
       likely to be announced in   Borouge build-out          fin complex, as it continues to play an integral
       the near term ahead of   ADNOC has signed a $6.2bn investment  role in the development of TA’ZIZ, enhancing
       hosting COP28 in 2023.  agreement with Austria-based Borealis for the  local industrial supply chains and boosting

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