Page 8 - DMEA Week 46 2021
P. 8

DMEA                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            DMEA

       ONHYM to launch downstream division

        AFRICA           MOROCCO’S National Board of Hydrocarbons  the country the largest energy importer in North
                         and Mines (ONHYM) is seen setting up a down-  Africa.
                         stream division to manage domestic natural gas   The refinery remains mothballed but while
                         infrastructure, according to reports this week.  there are plans between Russian development
                           Speaking to S&P Global Platts, company  bank VEB and the local Marita Group to build a
                         sources said that the division would be respon-  new 100,000-bpd refinery, such a move appears
                         sible for completing works on the Morocco-Ni-  to be counter-intuitive, given that SAMIR’s facil-
                         geria Gas Pipeline (MNGP) through which gas  ities appear to available at a fraction of the cost of
                         from Nigeria will be exported to Europe, travers-  constructing a greenfield unit.™
                         ing 13 countries.
                           He said “new entity created to take care of the
                         downstream business [is] on the way”.
                           The North African country is developing net-
                         works to distribute gas to industrial hubs where
                         vehicle and aviation industries are expanding.
                           “The industrial sector in Morocco is grow-
                         ing fast and gas will be an important part of this
                         growth,” the source added.
                           Morocco has estimated its conventional and
                         unconventional gas resources at 300 trillion
                         cubic feet (8.5 trillion cubic metres) in place. The
                         country has received “a lot of interest” in a pro-
                         posed floating storage regasification unit (FSRU)
                         off the Atlantic coast, according to the source
                         who noted that a project to transmit electricity
                         generated from solar and wind to the UK is also
                         under evaluation.
                           Last year, a Moroccan judge accepted the
                         state’s offer to rent storage facilities at the
                         200,000 barrel per day (bpd) SAMIR refinery in
                           The units have a storage capacity of 2mn
                         cubic metres which equates to 80 days of Moroc-
                         can demand.
                           SAMIR’s closure in 2015 made Morocco fully
                         dependent on refined product imports, making

       Nigeria workers union

       threatens nationwide strike

        AFRICA           THE Nigeria Union of Petroleum and Natu-  salaries and title benefits by other companies.
                         ral Gas (Nupeng) has issued a two-week strike   The union said that contract workers work-
                         notice that could lead to fuel scarcities in the  ing in oil mining licence (OML) 42 of the Nige-
                         coming weeks, The Cable reported on Tuesday,  ria Petroleum Development Co. (NPDC) were
                         November 16.                         being continuously owed salaries and allowances
                           Nupeng said on Monday it would launch  for upwards of eight to 10 months, according to
                         “nationwide industrial action” if certain wel-  The Cable.
                         fare and membership-related issues were not   “Nigeria Agip Oil Co. (NAOC) and its con-
                         “adequately and conclusively addressed and  tractors are also owing contract workers’ salaries
                         resolved” within the next 14 days.   and allowances for upwards of 10 months,” the
                           Among the many issues listed, Nupeng out-  statement said. Nupeng is one of the 46 indus-
                         lined the alleged termination of contract work-  trial unions formerly affiliated to the Nigeria
                         ers by Chevron Nigeria workers because they  Labour Congress and an affiliate of IndustriAll
                         had joined the union, and the non-payment of  Global Union headquartered in Geneva.™

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