Page 13 - DMEA Week 46 2021
P. 13

DMEA                                  TERMINALS & SHIPPING                                            DMEA

       Tanzania resumes talks with

       Shell, Equinor on LNG project

        AFRICA           TANZANIA’S  Energy Minister January  preliminary talks with IOC representatives in
                         Makamba has confirmed that his country’s gov-  Arusha. Ola Morten Aanestad, a spokesman
                         ernment has resumed talks with several inter-  for Equinor (Norway), told The EastAfrican
                         national oil companies (IOCs) on the Tanzania  on November 6 that his company had been
                         LNG project.                         informed of the Tanzanian side’s intentions dur-
                           Makamba made an announcement to this  ing those talks. “The LNG [project] investors
                         effect in a pair of Twitter posts dated November  have been notified of the meeting on November
                         8 and said he expected this large-scale initiative  8 by the government,” he said.
                         to benefit the country. “Today, I kicked off nego-  Fedister Agrey, a project manager for Tan-
                         tiations for the $30bn Tanzania LNG project,” he  zania Petroleum Development Corp. (TPDC),
                         wrote. “The project will transform our economy.”  confirmed that the parties were due to begin
                           He further stated that Tanzanian authorities  negotiations on that date. The government has
                         had been “[working] hard behind the scenes”  made all the necessary preparations for the talks
                         over the last two months to lay the groundwork  and intends to secure a stake for TPDC in the
                         for additional talks on the LNG scheme and  Tanzania LNG project, she said on November 6.
                         went on to say that he expected the negotiations   State-owned TPDC has said it expects work
                         to bear fruit soon. “We’re confident that a final  on Tanzania LNG to begin in 2023 and finish
                         investment decision [FID] will come sooner  in 2028. The total cost of the project may reach
                         than is traditionally the case,” he declared.  $30bn.
                           The energy minister has not commented on   According to previous reports, the scheme
                         the progress of talks on Tanzania LNG since  will involve constructing a gas liquefaction plant
                         November 8. He did say in one of his Twitter  at Lindi, in the southern part of the country. This
                         posts, though, that all of the IOCs involved in  facility will handle production from three deep-
                         the Tanzania LNG project were taking part in  water offshore sites containing about 35 trillion
                         negotiations. Representatives of Royal Dutch  cubic feet (991bn cubic metres) of gas – Block 2,
                         Shell (UK/Netherlands), Equinor (Norway),  assigned to Equinor, and Blocks 1 and 4, assigned
                         ExxonMobil (US), Pavilion Energy (Singapore)  to Shell. It will have two production trains with
                         and Medco Energi (Indonesia) were all present  a capacity of 5mn tonnes per year (tpy) each.
                         on November 8, he wrote.             Tanzania will have to sign a host government
                           Makamba published the Twitter posts shortly  agreement (HGA) with Shell and Equinor before
                         after Tanzanian officials wrapped up a set of  construction begins.™

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