Page 12 - DMEA Week 46 2021
P. 12

DMEA                                            PIPELINES                                              DMEA

       Israeli minister calls for

       cancellation of UAE pipeline

        MIDDLE EAST      ISRAELI energy minister Karine Elharrar this  the use of coal and understands that gas is also
                         week called for the cancellation on environmen-  only an intermediate solution until we can rely
                         tal grounds of a deal to develop an oil transmis-  on renewable energies,” she said.
                         sion project to pipe Emirati oil from the Red Sea   Meanwhile, in one of her most pointed jabs at
                         directly to the Mediterranean.       predecessor Yuval Steinitz she said: “Contrary to
                           An agreement was signed in October 2020  the previous regime, under which connections
                         for RED MED Land Bridge Co., a joint venture  were the determining factor, appointments to
                         between Israel and the UAE, to repurpose the  government companies for which I am respon-
                         assets of the Europe Asia Pipeline Co. (EAPC)  sible will be based on the appointee’s experience
                         – formerly Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Co. – to  and the needs of the particular company.”
                         transport UAE-origin crude oil and oil-related   Elharrar stressed that under her steward-
                         products from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean  ship, Israel would focus on developing renewa-
                         without traversing either the Suez Canal the or  ble energy, in contrast to the Steinitz era which
                         Strait of Hormuz, providing that the crude was  was defined by the development of offshore gas
                         exported from the eastern emirate of Fujairah.  reserves.
                         This has the benefit of expediting oil transit but   Speaking to the Times of Israel, she noted that
                         environmental groups have said the environ-  the ban on issuing permits related only to crude
                         mental and ecological risks are unacceptable.  oil and not to oil shale. There are currently five
                           “I am calling to cancel the EAPC agreement.  active licences for onshore oil production and
                         It poses many risks to the Gulf of Eilat, to resi-  three for exploration.
                         dents, and it does not benefit Israel’s energy mar-  In reality the move will have limited impact
                         ket,” Elharrar said.                 with Israel’s key hydrocarbons production
                           Noting that Emirati officials had informed  coming in the form of offshore gas, which is
                         her that the deal should be viewed as a private  unaffected.™
                         sector agreement, she said its cancellation “is not
                         expected to impact ties between the countries”.
                           Her call to cancel the project follows the
                         announcement in July that the Israeli Ministry
                         of Environmental Protection had delayed the
                         project’s development. The pipeline’s backers had
                         submitted an environmental risk assessment in
                         response to a challenge by parties concerned that
                         the project would heighten the risk of an oil spill.
                           Despite claiming the risk from increased
                         crude flows was minute, EAPC was informed
                         by the ministry that the report “did not meet
                         the [ministry’s] conditions”, adding that it was
                         “delaying the evaluation of your preparations to
                         increase activity in the Eilat port, until the gov-
                         ernment has a discussion and reaches a decision”
                         on the development.
                           The old pipeline was built in the 1960s to
                         transport Iranian oil to Israel.
                           RED MED is jointly owned by Petromal, part
                         of Abu Dhabi-based National Holding, Israeli
                         company AF Entrepreneurship, and interna-
                         tional infrastructure and energy company Lub-
                         ber Line.
                           Israel’s energy policy has pivoted since the
                         appointment of Elharrar and the accession to
                         environmental protection minister of the Meretz
                         Party’s Tamar Zandberg, who has been a vocal
                         critic of the proposed pipeline.
                           In August, Elharrar announced  Israel
                         would no longer issue permits for onshore oil
                           “Oil is a highly polluting fuel that has no place
                         in a country that is doing everything to reduce

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