Page 14 - DMEA Week 46 2021
P. 14

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       COMPANIES                           would basically benefit both countries. The   and India.
                                           negotiations about it will continue.”  To make this green fuel available, GAC
       Petromaint wins AMOC                shortage of gas in the wintertime, Owji said   Bunker Fuels is partnering with Dubai-based
                                             Asked about plans to deal with a
                                                                                Neutral Fuels, an established producer of
       maintenance contract                arrangements have been made at the pipelines   biodiesel derived from waste cooking oil.
                                           and compressor stations, noting that liquid
                                                                                   “Deploying our Net Zero biofuel in
       Alexandria Petroleum Maintenance    fuel has also been stored for industries and   the maritime sector will play a key role in
       Company (Petromaint) has signed a five-  power plants.                   helping to achieve the new carbon emission
       year maintenance contract with Alexandria   “We are trying (to make sure) that people   reduction targets set by the International
       Mineral Oils Company (AMOC) for units   in the household sector would not face any   Maritime Organisation,” said Gary Hubbard,
       worth EGP15mn ($950,000mn) annually,   problem in the winter as much as possible,”   the chief commercial officer of Neutral Fuels.
       Petromaint said in a press release.  the minister said.                  “Adoption of cleaner biofuels is much quicker
         The contract was effective as of November   In comments on October 26, Owji said an   when we work in close collaboration with
       1. It provides comprehensive mechanical,   overdue debt to Turkmenistan for imports of   leading companies such as the GAC Group. It
       electrical and automatic control maintenance   natural gas in the past will be settled for good.  means that the whole sector can become part
       services.                             “Luckily we had good talks for settling the   of the solution to climate change, rather than
         The joint co-operation between the   debt to Turkmenistan based on preparations   remaining part of the problem.”
       majority state-owned companies is in line   we had carried out,” Owji said after meeting   The fuel will be available to vessel operators
       with directives of Petroleum Minister Tarek   a senior delegation from Turkmenistan led   as a blend with petroleum-based bunker fuel,
       El Molla on the need to achieve integration   by the country’s foreign minister Rashid   mixed at varying percentages.
       and enhance co-operation between companies  Moradov.                       The service makes good on GAC’s recent
       affiliated within the petroleum sector in   In a ruling issued last year, the   decarbonization pledges. GAC recently joined
       various fields.                     International Court of Arbitration (ICC)   the Getting to Zero Coalition, pledging to
       BNE                                 endorsed claims by Turkmenistan’s state-run   achieve net-zero operations, and it has signed
                                           gas company Turkmengaz that it is owed   on to the group’s call to decarbonize the
                                           around $1.5 billion by the National Iranian   shipping industry by 2050. The ships’ agency
       POLICY                              Gas Company (NIGC) in arrears related to the  views biofuel as a potential solution, providing
                                           supply of gas to Iran over 10 years to 2017.  its customers with a near-term option to
       Iran makes new proposal             details of the ICC ruling confidential while   reduce their carbon footprint.
                                             The two companies have agreed to keep
                                                                                  “As a leader in our industry, we have a
       for import of Turkmen gas           the Iranian Oil Ministry has dismissed   responsibility to do the right thing,” said
                                                                                Martyn McMahon, GAC Bunker Fuels’ Global
                                           reports that the ICC has ordered Iran to pay
       Iran has offered Turkmenistan a new proposal   $500 million in interest and fines on delayed   Commercial Manager. “The quicker we
       to pay off its gas debts and revive a contract   payments related to the gas deal.  adapt our thinking and behaviour to reduce
       on the import of gas from the Central Asian   TASNIM                     carbon emissions, the better for everyone. We
       country, Iranian Oil Minister Javad Owji said.                           want to work with like-minded partners and
         In an interview with Tasnim, Owji said                                 customers who share the same sustainability
       Iran has put forward its proposal for the   FUELS                        goals and passions as us.
       settlement of gas debts to Turkmenistan and                              MARITIME EXEC
       revival of a contract to import gas from the   GAC to sell bunker biodiesel
       neighboring country.                                                     Ardova now Nigeria’s
         The Turkmens are currently considering   in Middle East
       Iran’s suggestions, the minister added.                                  largest downstream firm
         He also raised the possibility of resumption   GAC’s marine fuel arm has announced a new
       of gas trade between the two neighbors   partnership to supply a biodiesel fuel blend for  Nigerian energy firm and petroleum
       with the revival of the contract. “This   shipping in the UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar   distributer Ardova has completed the

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 46   18•November•2021
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