Page 15 - DMEA Week 46 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       acquisition of rival Enyo Retail and Supply   to 181,000 b/d in 2018, 155,000 b/d in 2019,   urea and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) units
       Limited, its board of directors said in a letter   85,700 b/d in 2020, and 39,000 b/d so far this   within an existing fertilizer facility, the state
       posted on November 17 by the Nigerian   year.                            finance guarantees agency said.
       Exchange Ltd.                          These figures are based on estimates   The urea plant would have a capacity of
         Ardova, previously owned by billionaire   and vessel-tracking, because assessing the   1,640 tonnes/day of granular urea and 500
       Femi Otedola under the name Forte Oil,   rate of Iranian exports is complicated by   tonnes/day of UAN. It would operate on
       announced in January that it had brokered a   some shipments not being visible. Tankers   urea technology provided by Stamicarbon, a
       deal with Enyo to acquire a 100% equity stake   belonging to Iran’s state-owned NITC fleet   subsidiary of the Maire Tecnimont Group, UK
       in the latter.                      regularly turn off their transponders during   Export Finance added.
         With the acquisition, Ardova will add 90   voyages.                      One key feature of the plant would be a
       filling stations and about 100,000 customers   According to market estimates, at least   45MW natural gas-fired steam boiler.
       to the 450 retail outlets it currently owns,   50pc of the 0.8mn-1.1mn t/month (5.2mn-  BNE
       making Ardova Nigeria’s largest indigenous   7.1mn bl/month) of HSFO sold in the Middle
       publicly listed downstream company.  East’s main bunkering hub in Fujairah,
         “The addition of Enyo to the Ardova   UAE, was from Iran before 2018. This year,   PIPELINES
       group fits into our expansion strategy to   even with sanctions in effect, 62pc of Iran’s
       have the widest retail reach in the Nigerian   HSFO exports have found their way via   Fuel pipeline explosion in
       downstream sector,” Ardova chief executive   intermediaries to the UAE, and only 8pc to
       Olumide Adeosun said in a statement.  Singapore, according to Vortexa.   southern Iran
         “It also provides the platform to increase   If the talks in Vienna prove successful
       our non-fuel revenue through the sales of   and sanctions are lifted, Iran would be able   An oil and gas pipeline in Iran’s Khuzestan
       products such as AP and Shell branded   to ramp up exports into the Middle East and   province exploded and caught fire on
       lubricants, LPG and renewable energy   Asia-Pacific regions, possibly putting pressure   Wednesday in what the official media said was
       solutions that will be channelled through the   on refining margins and premiums. The   the result of metal “fatigue”.
       group-owned retail outlets.”        sanctions regime has left Iran with a surplus of    While Iran’s Tasnim news agency
         Ardova has significant storage facilities   fuel oil, which has forced cuts to refinery runs   affiliated with the Revolutionary Guard said
       in Apapa, Lagos and Onne, Rivers State,   and diversion to power utilities to use instead   an oil pipeline exploded, Images sent by
       and procures and distribute petrol, diesel,   of natural gas.            local residents show huge, ferocious flames
       kerosene and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).  The Mideast Gulf region could become   shooting into the sky, in what seems more
       BNE                                 even more over-supplied when Kuwait’s long-  likely to have been a gas pipeline fire.
                                           delayed 615,000 b/d al-Zour refinery starts up   A tweet from the scene by an account
       Iranian fuel oil exporters          next year. This will add as much as 215,000   tagged as “Iranworkers” also mentions a gas
                                                                                pipeline explosion, the second in less than a
                                           b/d of HSFO to regional output.
       wait for Vienna talks               ARGUS                                month in the same area.
                                                                                  Residents in a village nearby also reported
       Iranian fuel oil exporters are awaiting the                              a strong initial explosion that felt “like an
       outcome of the imminent US-Iran talks for   PETROCHEMICALS               earthquake”.
       signs that they could restore trade, which                                 There have been many explosions and
       could affect refining margins east of Suez.  UK Export Finance may       fires in Iran’s military and industrial site since
         Should there be a breakthrough at the                                  mid-2020, with authorities not giving a full
       talks, which will resume in Vienna on 29   support Turkish fertilizer    explanation in many instances. However, they
       November, Iran could bolster high-sulphur                                have blamed Israel for a series of spectacular
       fuel oil (HSFO) exports. These have fallen by   project                  sabotage attacks on nuclear facilities,
       83pc since Washington abandoned the Iran                                 including two explosions at Natanz uranium
       nuclear deal in 2018 and reimposed sanctions   UK Export Finance on November 16 stated   enrichment center.
       on Tehran.                          that it was considering backing a project   The oil and gas industries have also
         Iran is a major HSFO producer and was   announced by Gemlik Gubre Sanayii to   experienced many incidents of exploding
       a large exporter. It shipped 240,000 b/d of   construct a urea fertilizer installation in Bursa,  pipelines and refineries where large fires
       the product in 2017 according to Vortexa.   northwestern Turkey.         ignited.
       But exports have fallen consistently since,   Gemlik Gubre Sanayii is planning to build   IRAN INTL

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