Page 6 - FSUOGM Week 43
P. 6

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Rosneft alone allowed to

       bid for northern gas fields

       Rosneft is hoping to use the resources to underpin LNG production as
       part of its Vostok Oil megaproject

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA’S Rosneft has been cleared as the only  Route (NSR) from a new terminal on the shore
                         company allowed to take part in an auction for  of the Taymyr Peninsula.
       WHAT:             rights to the Deryabinskoye and Kazantsevskoye   Rosneft now wants to add LNG and even coal
       Rosneft will be the only   fields in northern Krasnoyarsk, Russian Natural  exports to the project. In addition to crude, it is
       company allowed to   Resources Minister Dmitry Kobylkin said last  looking into options for shipping up to 35-50mn
       bid for two gas fields in   week.                      tonnes per year of LNG and 50mn tpy of coal
       Russia's far north.  Rosneft CEO Igor Sechin asked Russian  from the terminal it intends to build in Sever
                         Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin over the sum-  Bay, its CEO Igor Sechin said at the Eurasian
       WHY:              mer for a contest to be held for the two fields,  Economic Forum in Verona last week.
       The company wants   along with a third called Ushakovskoye. But the   Ultimately, further appraisal is needed before
       more gas to support   government later agreed to ring-fence Ushak-  Rosneft can be sure of any of its output predic-
       the development of a   ovskoye to provide gas supply for the local facil-  tions. The new gas fields it hopes to acquire have
       major hub for Arctic LNG   ities of mining giant Norilsk Nickel.  undergone only limited exploration, and their
       production.         Rosneft wants to add more gas resources to  resources could disappoint.
                         its already sizeable Vostok Oil venture in the   As for coal, there are currently no projects
       WHAT NEXT:        Russian Arctic, to underpin LNG production.  in production in the area, and existing plans by
       Supported by fresh tax   Sechin requested that auction terms be set that  company Vostokugol to extract 19mn tpy in the
       breaks, Rosneft has   prevent companies that do not already produce  area by 2024 now look unrealistic, amid current
       expanded the scope of its   oil and gas in the area from participating. This  weak market conditions. The company is also
       Vostok Oil venture.  reduces the selection pool to just Rosneft, the  embroiled in a corporate conflict after the death
                         operator of the giant Vankor oilfield in northern  of its former main owner, Dmitry Bosov, earlier
                         Krasnoyarsk.                         this year.
                           “The issue has been resolved. It will be an   AEON Corp, controlled by businessman
                         auction with special conditions,” Kobylkin told  Roman Trotsenko, intends to develop the Syr-
                         reporters. He was asked whether Rosneft would  adasayskoye coalfield on the western coast of
                         be the only company allowed to take part and  Taymyr. Syradasayskoye holds some 5bn tonnes
                         answered “yes.”                      of coal, but AEON intends to build its own sea-
                           “Our task to reap as much benefit for the state  port, Severnaya Zvezda, to ship the resources to
                         as possible, so we will not delay,” he continued,  buyers.
                         noting the contest would take place before the   Commenting on developments, BCS Global
                         end of the year.                     Markets (BCS GM) said Rosneft’s growing
                                                              ambitions at Vostok Oil show that the company
                         Rising ambitions                     “retains material growth opportunities despite
                         Vostok Oil is Rosneft’s flagship project in the  its large size.” Rosneft secured significant tax
                         Arctic, where the company has fallen behind its  breaks at Vankor in the recently passed oil tax
                         rivals Gazprom and Novatek in developing new  bill, including a waiver of mineral extraction tax
                         resources in recent years.           (MET). The company hopes to use this support
                           The venture consists of Vankor and its sat-  to cross-subsidise Vostok Oil’s other, undevel-
                         ellite fields, as well as other, undeveloped,  oped deposits.
                         Rosneft acreage further north and the Paiyakh-  “The LNG angle was expected, but the num-
                         skaya fields, operated by its private partner  bers appear ambitious, leading us to think that
                         Neftegazholding.                     the fields in the lightly explored region may, as
                           Vostok Oil was originally conceived as an oil-  is the case with the relatively nearby Yamal and
                         only venture. Rosneft earlier predicted it could  Gydan peninsulas, be relatively gas prone,” BCS
                         supply up to 500,000 barrels per day of oil to  GM said. “The coal is a new idea entirely. We are
                         global markets by 2024, rising 1mn bpd in 2027  unaware if Rosneft itself is considering coal pro-
                         and 2.3mn bpd by 2030. This crude would all  duction, or if it anticipates handling cargoes for
                         be shipped via tankers along the Northern Sea  third-party producers.” ™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   28•October•2020
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