Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 31 2021
P. 4

      LatAmOil                                      COMMENTAR                                             LatAmOil

                                                                                             (Photo: Twitter/@PedroCastilloTe)
       Castillo begins to reveal

       new vision for PetroPerú

       Peru’s new president wants the national oil company to expand its portfolio and gain

       control over fuel prices but says it must compete against private sector operators

                         PEDRO Castillo, the new president of Peru,   located in Pampa Melchorita.
                         ran for office on a platform that called for major   Even so, Castillo’s position is hardly surpris-
       WHAT:             changes in the country’s hydrocarbon sector.  ing. After all, he was the candidate of the left-
       The president wants the   Most significantly, he indicated that he   ist Peru Libre Party, which has been calling for
       NOC to regain some of the   favoured proposals for returning oil and gas –   nationalisation of the hydrocarbon and mining
       assets it lost to privatisa-  along with mining, another key sector of the   industries since 2019.
       tion in the 1990s.  economy – to state control. Earlier this year, for   At this point, though, it’s not clear that
                         example, he argued that the Camisea gas fields   the new president will actually push for full
       WHY:              ought to be handed over to the government.   nationalisation.
       Making this shift may   More specifically, he told supporters that the
       involve constitutional   fields were a strategic resource that ought to be   Expanding PetroPerú
       reforms.          nationalised so that they could benefit Peruvians   Castillo made his first official statements regard-
                         rather than foreign investors.       ing oil and gas policy on July 28, during his inau-
       WHAT NEXT:          Such a shift could have far-reaching effects,   gural address.
       The changes may not   including but not limited to complicating rela-  In that speech, he said he intended to restore
       have long-term staying   tionships with foreign investors. The Camisea   the ability of PetroPerú, the national oil com-
       power, giving Peru’s con-
       tentious political climate   fields are being developed by a consortium   pany (NOC), to act as a vertically integrated
       and Castillo’s plan to   that includes US-based Hunt Oil, which is also   organisation, active in every section of the
       serve one five-year term.  the leader of the Peru LNG project; they sup-  value chain and possessing wellhead-to-pump
                         ply feedstock to the Peru LNG plant, which is   capabilities.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   05•August•2021
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