Page 14 - MEOG Week 12 2022
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       OIL                                 year, which is an eye-catching figure,” he said,   revenue in February to $545.5 million.
                                           adding that rising world prices also helped   Canal revenue surged after a record rise in
       New regular customers               boost oil revenues.                  transit rates, with 1,713 ships passing through
                                              He said the country’s petro-refining
                                                                                the waterway versus 1,532 a year earlier, Suez
       found for Iranian oil               capacity was increase by 2 million barrels per   Canal Authority Chairman Osama Rabie said
                                                                                on March 1.
                                           day within the coming years, adding Iran’s
       The Iranian Minister of Petroleum said:   crude oil and condensate production capacity   ASHARQ AL AWSAT
       “The Ministry of Petroleum of the 13th   would be 5.7 million barrels per day in the
       administration has done marketing with all   future.
       its capacity to find new and regular customers   SHANA                   SERVICES
       of Iranian crude oil shipments, and this
       diversification continues day by day in all   Suez Canal increases tolls  Medco signs Oman rig deal
         On Saturday evening (March 19), on the   for laden tankers             Oil and gas are the backbone of the Sultanate
       eve of the anniversary of the nationalization                            of Oman’s economy, and over 1,000 new
       of the oil industry in the TV program, Javad   Egypt’s Suez Canal Authority said on Tuesday   wells are drilled each year to ensure
       Owji outlined the most important actions and   it will temporarily increase a surcharge levied   consistent production. This necessitates
       future plans of the Ministry of Petroleum of   on laden crude oil tankers and petroleum   seamless collaboration between clients and
       the 13th administration.            products tankers transiting the canal in both   contractors in order to develop oil and gas
         He said: “Today, the country’s natural gas   directions to 15% of normal dues from 5%,   fields through continuous improvement in
       production capacity is close to one billion   effective May 1.           drilling performance and strict control of HSE
       cubic meters per day and crude oil production   It said that ballast crude oil tankers and   exposure.
       capacity is close to 3.9 million barrels per day,   petroleum products tankers transiting the   One notable example of such collaboration
       and fortunately all of it is made possible by   Canal in both directions are still required to   is the one between Medco LLC Oman and
       capable Iranian specialists, employees and   pay a surcharge of 5% of normal transit dues.  Abraj Energy Services in the development of
       companies.”                            The changes come “in line with the   the Karim Small Fields in PDO Oman’s South
         Referring to the studies of the Ministry of   significant growth in global trade, the   Area. Abraj Energy Services is the market
       Petroleum for marketing new customers, he   improvement of ships’ economics, the   leader in Omani drilling services, offering
       said: “In this regard, we used all the capacities   Suez Canal waterway development and the   custom-built rigs that are tailored to our
       inside and outside and gave variety to our   enhancement of the transit service”, according   clients’ needs.
       contracts.”                         to series of circulars published on its website   This collaboration began in May 2010 with
         The Minister of Petroleum, stating   on Tuesday.                       the award of Abraj Rig 102. Abraj provided
       that these customers are regular, said: “To   The surcharge levied on laden and ballast   a highly mobile Rig 105 in 2017, which has
       some extent, it can be said that since these   liquefied petroleum gas tankers, chemical   been setting new benchmarks in the Karim
       customers own refineries, sales to them are   tankers and other liquid bulk tankers will be   Small Fields.
       continuous. Fortunately, this market continues  also increased to 20% of normal transit dues,   As a result, Medco LLC Oman and Abraj
       to diversify in all products from the export   from 10% previously.      Energy Services recently extended Rig 105’s
       of crude oil, gas condensate and continues to   The Authority also said it will change the   contract for another two years.
       petroleum products and petrochemicals.”  surcharge levied on laden and ballast dry bulk   The contract was signed by Ahmad
         Owji continued: “Revenues from the sale   vessels transiting the Canal in both directions,   Syaifudin, Oman Country Manager of
       of crude oil, gas condensate, natural gas,   to 10% of normal transit dues, compared with   MedcoEnergi International Tbk and Eng
       petroleum products and petrochemicals   5% previously, while the surcharge levied on   Salah al Harthy, Acting Managing Director of
       compared to last [calendar] year have   other vessels was amended to 14% from 7%.  Abraj Energy Services SAOC.
       increased 2.5 times and net natural gas   “These surcharges are temporary and can   Such outstanding performance is critical
       exports have been more than last [calendar]   be either amended or cancelled according to   for efficiently producing and meeting oil
       year.”                              the maritime industry market conditions”, a   targets from the Karim Small Fields in the
         “We have continued to increase exports in   canal authority circular said.  long term.
       terms of volume compared to last [calendar]   The Suez Canal posted a 15.1% jump in   OMAN OBSERVER

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   23•March•2022
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