Page 12 - MEOG Week 12 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                             TENDERS                                               MEOG

       ADNOC awards major

       cementing contracts

        UAE              ABU Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) last  from 4mn bpd to 4.2mn bpd since the expansion
                         week announced the award of framework deals  programme began.
                         worth $658mn for cementing services to support   In February, NESR was one of three com-
                         its ongoing oil production expansion effort.  panies awarded five-year well testing contracts
                           Following a competitive tender, ADNOC  worth $169mn by ADNOC’s onshore upstream
                         handed five-year contracts to Haliburton World-  arm ADNOC Onshore.
                         wide Ltd, Baker Middle East, Emirates Western   The deals signed to-date cover the mainte-
                         Oil Well Drilling & Maintenance Co., NESR  nance and expansion of capabilities at the coun-
                         Energy Services and Emjel Oil Field Services.  try’s on- and offshore oilfields.
                         Like other recent ADNOC awards, the deals   Long-term deals have been signed with
                         include an option for a two-year extension.  subsidiaries and local agents of Halliburton,
                           An ADNOC press release quoted upstream  Schlumberger, TechnipFMC Weatherford as
                         executive director Yaser Saeed Almazrouei as  well as with its own drilling arm ADNOC Drill-
                         saying: “The awards for cementing services will  ing and BakerHughes, which holds a 5% share in
                         support the ongoing expansion of ADNOC’s  the Emirati driller.
                         drilling activities as we grow our production   ADNOC Drilling is the largest driller in the
                         capacity, strengthening our position as a reliable  region and has a fleet of 107 rigs, 96 of which are
                         global supplier of some of the world’s most car-  owned, and 11 rigs rented. These comprise 75
                         bon-efficient barrels.”              onshore rigs, 20 offshore jack-up rigs, 11 island
                           The awards come amid a flurry of contract-  rigs and a self-propelled barge.
                         ing activity by ADNOC, which has now signed   In January, the local National Petroleum
                         drilling-related framework agreements and  Construction Co. (NPCC) won a $946mn EPC
                         procurement deals worth more than $8.6bn  to maintain production at the offshore Umm
                         since November last year as it seeks to raise oil  Shaif oilfield at 275,000 bpd, with ADNOC Off-
                         production capacity to 5mn barrels per day by  shore working to increase its contribution to the
                         2027. Capacity is understood to have increased  national total to 2mn bpd.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   23•March•2022
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