Page 7 - MEOG Week 12 2022
P. 7

MEOG                                  PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       Germany targets LNG

       supplies from Qatar

        QATAR            GERMANY is turning to Qatar for LNG as it  entities.
                         pivots away from Russian natural gas in the wake   “The good news” is that LNG from Qatar will
                         of the war in Ukraine. Following a visit to Qatar  be provided to Germany, Habeck said in a video
                         over the weekend of March 19-20, German Min-  posted on Twitter. “Now it’s up to the companies
                         ister of Economy Robert Habeck described a deal  to set up contracts,” he added.
                         between the two countries as a “door opener”.  “We might still need Russian gas this year, but
                           Habeck did not provide details of the quan-  not in the future,” Habeck was separately quoted
                         tities and other terms under discussion. There  as saying by the DPA news agency. “It starts like
                         were also some contradictory reports over the  this – so he who has ears should start to listen,” he
                         status of discussions, with Germany saying a deal  added, in a comment aimed at Russian President
                         had been finalised, but Qatar stopping short of  Vladimir Putin.
                         this.                                  Until the new LNG import capacity comes
                           State-owned QatarEnergy said that previous  online in Germany, the country will not be able
                         discussions between Germany and Qatar had  to receive LNG directly.
                         failed to bear fruit owing to a lack of long-term   Illustrating the urgency of moves to lessen
                         clarity about the role of gas in Germany’s energy  dependence on Russian gas, earlier this month
                         mix, and the LNG infrastructure required to sup-  German state-owned bank KfW and Dutch util-
                         port it. But the company added that the situation  ity Gasunie signed a memorandum of under-
                         had changed, noting Germany’s efforts to expe-  standing (MoU) on the construction of an LNG
                         dite two LNG import terminals.       terminal in Brunsbüttel. Gasunie said at the time
                           It said that as a result, the two sides had agreed  that it expected to break ground on the facility
                         to re-engage in discussions via their commercial  later this year.™

       Week 12   23•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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