Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 09 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       higher level than industry standard. Investing   and planning for the Baytown project are   Energy Partners enter into
       in fibre optic technology demonstrates EPIC’s   ongoing and, subject to stakeholder support,
       intent to be an industry leader, not only in   regulatory permitting and market conditions,   agreement to pursue carbon
       meeting customer expectations, but also in   a final investment decision is expected in two
       safety and environmental protection.”  to three years.                   capture and sequestration
       EPIC MIDSTREAM HOLDINGS, March 02, 2022  EXXONMOBIL, March 01, 2022
                                           Neste to establish a joint           opportunities with the Port
       ENERGY TRANSITION                                                        of Corpus Christi
       ExxonMobil planning                 venture for production               Talos Energy today announced that the
                                           of renewable fuels in
                                                                                company and Howard Energy Partners (HEP)
       hydrogen production,                the United States with               have entered into an option agreement with
                                                                                the Port of Corpus Christi Authority to pursue
       carbon capture and storage          Marathon Petroleum                   commercial carbon capture and sequestration
                                                                                (CCS) opportunities on-site at the Port of
       at Baytown complex                  Neste has signed definitive agreements for   Corpus Christi. The project will be known
                                                                                as the Coastal Bend Carbon Management
       ExxonMobil said today it is planning a   the establishment of a 50/50 joint venture   Partnership. During the initial nine-month
       hydrogen production plant and one of   with US-based Marathon Petroleum. The   evaluation period, the parties will identify and
       the world’s largest carbon capture and   joint venture will produce renewable diesel   mature CCS project solutions on Port-owned
       storage projects at its integrated refining   following a conversion project of Marathon’s   lands. With a diverse industrial footprint at
       and petrochemical site at Baytown, Texas,   refinery in Martinez, California. The closing   the Port, transportation infrastructure and
       supporting efforts to reduce emissions from   of the joint venture is subject to customary   expertise from HEP, and subsurface and
       company operations and local industry.  closing conditions and regulatory approvals,   sequestration capabilities from Talos, the
         “Hydrogen has the potential to significantly  including obtaining the necessary permits,   parties are positioned to offer a local, fully
       reduce CO2 emissions in vital sectors of the   which depend upon certification of a final   integrated CCS project to customers in the
       economy and create valuable, lower-emissions   Environmental Impact Report.  region.
       products that support modern life,” said Joe   Neste’s total investment will amount to   The Port of Corpus Christi is a major
       Blommaert, president of ExxonMobil Low   approximately EUR0.9bn ($1.0bn), inclusive   strategic export hub and one of the largest
       Carbon Solutions. “By helping to activate new   of half of the total project development costs   ports in the United States, accounting for
       markets for hydrogen and carbon capture and   projected through the completion of the   over $200bn of economic impact from
       storage, this project can play an important   project. The project is expected to increase   approximately 7,000 vessel shipments
       part in achieving America’s lower-emissions   Neste’s renewable products capacity by slightly   annually. Port-related employment accounts
       aspirations.”                       over 1mn tonnes (365mn US gallons) per   for approximately 100,000 jobs in the
         The proposed hydrogen facility would   annum. Production of renewable diesel is   Coastal Bend area. The Coastal Bend Carbon
       produce up to 1bn cubic feet per day of   expected to come online in the second half of   Management Partnership aims to provide the
       “blue” hydrogen, which is an industry term   2022. The facility is planned to reach its full   Port’s more than 200 customers with a turn-
       for hydrogen produced from natural gas and   annual nameplate capacity of 2.1mn tonnes   key CCS solution to participate in meaningful
       supported by carbon capture and storage. The   (730mn US gallons) by the end of 2023.  decarbonisation efforts.
       carbon capture infrastructure for this project   “This is a very important step in our   The lease option agreement encompasses
       would have the capacity to transport and store   renewables growth strategy execution. The   approximately 13,000 acres for CCS project
       up to 10mn metric tons of CO2 per year, more  location of the facility is in the middle of the   evaluation, with an initial goal to sequester
       than doubling ExxonMobil’s current capacity.  growing renewable fuel market in California.   1.0-1.5mn metric tonnes of CO2 per year
         Using hydrogen as a fuel at the Baytown   The partnership will further strengthen our   of industrial emissions into saline aquifers
       olefins plant could reduce the integrated   footprint in the United States, as we will have   utilising an estimated total storage capacity
       complex’s Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by up   a broad value chain that covers feedstock   of 50-100mn metric tonnes. Based on proof
       to 30%, supporting ExxonMobil’s ambition   sourcing to renewables production and sales   of concept and market demand, the parties
       to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions   in the US. We are thrilled to partner with   may expand the project to Regional Hub scale,
       from its operated assets by 2050. It also   Marathon: we both share an ambition in   with the capability to sequester 6 – 10mn
       would enable the site to manufacture lower-  offering more high-quality, lower-emission   metric tonnes per year of the approximately
       emissions products for its customers. Access   renewable products, thus helping customers   20mn metric tonnes per year of total regional
       to surplus hydrogen and CO2 storage capacity   to achieve their sustainability goals,” says Peter   emissions. HEP’s Javelina midstream system
       would be made available to nearby industry.  Vanacker, Neste’s president and chief executive  is directly connected to over half of the
         The project would form ExxonMobil’s   officer.                         total regional emissions with approximately
       initial contribution to a broad, cross-industry   NESTE, March 01, 2022  60 miles of existing infrastructure, which
       effort to establish a Houston carbon capture                             is ideally situated for gathering activities
       and storage hub with an initial target of about   Talos Energy and Howard   throughout the Port area.
       50mn metric tons of CO2 per year by 2030,                                TALOS ENERGY, February 28, 2022
       and 100mn metric tons by 2040. Evaluation

       Week 09   03•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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