Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 09 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  IEA members hold
                                                                                                  a combined 1.5bn
                                                                                                  barrels of emergency

       IEA members to release 60mn

       barrels amid Ukraine conflict

        GLOBAL           INTERNATIONAL  Energy Agency (IEA)  if necessary, following the initial 30mn barrel
                         members led by the US agreed on March 1 to  release from its Strategic Petroleum Reserve
                         a co-ordinated release of crude oil from emer-  (SPR).
                         gency stockpiles.                      The IEA release follows separate co-ordinated
                           The decision comes in the wake of Russia’s  SPR releases that the US agreed on with a num-
                         invasion of Ukraine last week, and will result in  ber of other countries including China, India,
                         60mn barrels of oil being released onto the mar-  Japan, South Korea and the UK in late 2021 in
                         ket. Half of the volume will come from the US.  a bid to stem the rise in oil prices. Reuters noted
                         Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Indus-  this week that China never officially committed   Granholm said
                         try Koichi Hagiuda was quoted as saying the pre-  to the co-ordinated release and has instead been
                         cise share to be contributed by other members  buying more oil for its reserves. However, the US   in a separate
                         would be determined in the subsequent days.  had been in the process of releasing 50mn bar-
                           The IEA consists of 31 members – mostly  rels as part of that co-ordinated effort through a   statement that
                         European countries, but also the US, Canada  combination of sales and exchanges.
                         and Mexico, as well as a handful of Asia-Pacific   But while the US government is releasing   the US stood
                         countries. They made the decision to co-ordinate  oil from its SPR, it is resisting calls for domestic   ready to take
                         a release at an extraordinary meeting that was  producers to ramp up output. On February 27,
                         chaired by US Secretary of Energy Jennifer Gra-  White House press secretary Jen Psaki described   additional
                         nholm in her capacity as the chair of this year’s  calls for the US to boost its own oil production
                         IEA Ministerial Meeting.             as a “misdiagnosis”. She went on to say that the   measures if
                           IEA members hold a combined 1.5bn barrels  situation actually justified US President Joe Bid-
                         of emergency stockpiles. The initial 60mn barrel  en’s view that the country needs to reduce its   necessary.
                         drawdown accounts for 4% of those stockpiles,  dependence on oil altogether – both foreign and
                         and is equivalent to 2mn barrels per day (bpd)  domestic.
                         over a 30-day period.                  Thus far, the planned IEA release, as well as
                           The co-ordinated release is the IEA’s fourth  the OPEC+ group’s decision on March 1 to con-
                         since its creation in 1974, the agency noted in a  tinue will its planned ramp-up in production,
                         statement. It previously took collective actions in  has not stopped oil prices from rising to their
                         1991, 2005 and 2011.                 highest level since 2011. (See next story) Brent
                           Granholm said in a separate statement that  crude briefly hit $118 per barrel on March 3,
                         the US stood ready to take additional measures  before dropping back somewhat.™

       Week 09   03•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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