Page 15 - DMEA Week 01 2023
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

         business new europe       bne/IntelliNews

       Kenya’s trade deficit               major developments. This award reinforces the  first-of-its-kind CCS project, innovative car-
                                           strong and lasting relationship we have built with  bon removal technologies, investment in new,
       widens in Q3 2022 on                KOC and reaffirms our outstanding consultancy  cleaner energy solutions and strengthening of
                                           delivery as well as our long-standing presence in  international partnerships. Together with the
       doubling of petroleum               Kuwait.”                             recent formation of the ADNOC’s new Low
                                                                                Carbon Solutions and International Growth
                                              A “large” award for Technip Energies is a con-
       products, fertiliser imports        tract award representing between €250mn and  Directorate, these represent tangible and con-
                                           €500mn of revenue. As the framework agree-
                                                                                crete action as the company reduces its carbon
       Kenya’s trade deficit widened by 15.8% in the  ment is call-off in nature, the overall value of  intensity by 25% by 2030 and moves towards its
       third quarter of 2022, with imports of petro-  the contract will be progressively added to order  Net Zero by 2050 ambition.
       leum products and fertilisers more than dou-  intake as it is called off by the client.  Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister
       bling, according to the Kenya National Bureau   Technip Energies, 05 January 2023  of Industry and Advanced Technology and
       of Statics (KNBS).                                                       ADNOC Managing Director and Group CEO,
         The trade deficit stood at KES434.0bn   ADNOC allocates $15bn to       said:
       ($3.6bn) in Q3 2022 compared to KES366.1bn                                 “Under the directives of the UAE’s wise lead-
       ($3.05bn) in the same quarter of 2021, the KNBS   low-carbon solutions   ership and the ADNOC Board of Directors,
       said.                                                                    ADNOC continues to take significant steps
         During the quarter, exports increased by  ADNOC, a reliable and responsible provider of  to make today’s energy cleaner while invest-
       29.7% to KES227.8bn while imports increased  lower-carbon intensity energy, has announced  ing in the clean energies and new technologies
       by 22.2% to KES661.8 bn, while the import bill  a bold new strategy to progress the world-scale  of tomorrow. Now, more than ever, the world
       also increased by 20.8% to KES601.2bn.  decarbonisation of its operations.  needs a practical and responsible approach to
         “The growth in import bill was largely driven   The announcement follows the guidance by  the energy transition that is both pro-growth and
       by a significant increase in imports of petroleum  ADNOC’s Board of Directors in November 2022  pro-climate, and ADNOC is delivering tangible
       products, which more than doubled from KES-  to accelerate delivery of its low-carbon growth  actions in support of both these goals.
       82.3bn in third quarter of 2021 to KES182.6bn in  strategy and the approval of its Net Zero by   “Cementing our strong track record of
       the third quarter of 2022,” KNBS stated, noting  2050 ambition. This builds on ADNOC’s strong  responsible and reliable energy production,
       that tea exports rose 45.5% during the period.  track record as a leading lower-carbon intensity  ADNOC will fast-track significant investments
         Despite the wider trade deficit, efforts by  energy producer, which includes its use of zero  into landmark clean energy, low-carbon and
       Kenya and eight other countries to commence  carbon grid power, a commitment to zero flaring  decarbonisation technology projects. As we
       trading under the Africa Continental Free Trade  as part of routine operations and deployment of  continue to future-proof our business, we invite
       Area (AfCFTA) have begun bearing fruit, The  the region’s first carbon capture project at-scale.  technology and industry leaders to partner with
       Star writes.                           Acting on the Board’s guidance, ADNOC has  us, to collectively drive real and meaningful
         The trade arrangement has seen total exports  allocated $15bn (AED55bn) to advance an array  action that embraces the energy transition. This
       earnings from Africa increase from KES74bn in  of projects across its diversified value chain by  strategic, multi-billion-dollar initiative under-
       the third quarter of 2021 to KES97.6bn in 2022.  2030. These projects will include investments  scores ADNOC’s industry leadership as a lead-
       bna/IntelliNews, 03 January 2023    in clean power, carbon capture and storage  ing global provider of lower-carbon energy.”
                                           (CCS), further electrification of its operations,   Building on ADNOC’s Al Reyadah facil-
                                           energy efficiency and new measures to build on  ity, which has the capacity to capture up to
       COMPANIES                           ADNOC’s long-standing policy of zero routine  800,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, the company
                                           gas flaring. ADNOC will apply a rigorous com-  will announce plans to deploy technologies to
       Technip Energies                    mercial and sustainability assessment to ensure  capture, store and absorb CO2 by leveraging the
                                                                                UAE’s geological properties while preparing for
                                           that each project delivers lasting tangible impact.
       awarded large project               and initiatives will be announced, including a  from its Habshan gas processing facility.
                                              Throughout 2023, a suite of new projects  its next major investment to capture emissions
       management consultancy
       contract by KOC

       Technip Energies has been awarded a large
       contract for Project Management Consultancy
       (PMC) by Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC).
         The five-year framework agreement contract
       covers front-end engineering design (FEED),
       project management, and associated services
       for KOC’s major projects.
         This contract represents a renewal of the
       first five-year framework agreement that was
       awarded to Technip Energies by KOC in 2014.
         Charles Cessot, Senior Vice-President
       of Technip Energies, commented: “We are
       delighted by the continued confidence shown by
       KOC with this award to support them on their

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