Page 16 - DMEA Week 01 2023
P. 16
business new africa bna/IntelliNews
Combined with ADNOC’s planned expansion
of its carbon capture capacity to 5mn tonnes per
year (tpy) by 2030, the UAE will be firmly estab-
lished as a worldwide hub for carbon capture
expertise and innovation.
ADNOC’s expansion of CCS is planned to
support the significant scale-up of hydrogen and
lower-carbon ammonia production capabilities
in Abu Dhabi as ADNOC advances a world-
scale 1mn tpy blue ammonia production facility
at TA’ZIZ, the industrial services and logistics
ecosystem that is enabling the expansion of the
Al Ruways Industrial City, as well as Abu Dhabi’s
wider chemicals, manufacturing and industrial
sectors. To-date, ADNOC has already delivered
test cargoes of low-carbon ammonia to Europe
and Asia.
ADNOC’s expansion of its new energy port-
folio will largely be delivered through its stake
in Masdar, the UAE’s clean energy powerhouse
with over 20 GW of clean energy today and
plans to increase its capacity to 100 GW by 2030.
Masdar is also spearheading the UAE’s drive to
develop a leading position in green hydrogen.
Since January 2022, ADNOC has received
100% of its grid power supply from Emir-
ates Water and Electricity Company (EWEC)
nuclear and solar energy sources, making it the Hakan Irgit, chief digital transformation Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng province.
first major company in the industry to decar- and information officer at SOCAR Turkiye, a Police notified the provincial government
bonise its power at scale through a clean power company controlled by Azerbaijan’s national about the additional deaths and the new discov-
agreement of this kind. ADNOC also concluded oil company SOCAR, said in a press release: “As ery of body parts at the scene of the explosion on
a $3.8bn deal to build a first-of-its-kind, sub- Turkiye’s [Turkey’s] largest industrial holding, January 4, News24 reports.
sea transmission network in the MENA region, SOCAR Turkiye, we claim to be the leading com- The gas tanker carrying LPG exploded when
connecting ADNOC’s offshore operations to pany in digital transformation area in the energy it became stuck under a railway bridge in Boks-
the onshore power network, with the potential industry. We have been preparing SOCAR Tur- burg near the Tambo Memorial Hospital. The
to reduce ADNOC’s offshore carbon footprint kiye and Aliaga for 5G with Turkcell’s technology blast severely damaged the roof of the emergency
by up to 50%. in this project, which we developed in the light department at the hospital, while also reportedly
Building on the multi-billion capital invest- of our digital transformation vision and strategic destroying houses and cars.
ment in decarbonisation projects, ADNOC is plans.” The driver climbed out of the truck and
working closely with its international partners Commenting on the digitalisation of Aliaga escaped unharmed prior to the explosion in
and stakeholders across the energy value chain Peninsula, in the western Izmir province located which about 50 people were injured, 35 of whom
to collaborate on technology, best practices and on the Aegean Sea coast, Turkcell chief corpo- were hospital employees. Twelve healthcare
policy to support and drive global decarbonisa- rate sales officer Ceyhun Ozata said: “This pro- workers were among the 37 who died.
tion efforts. ject will host the most advanced applications of According to SABC News, one family lost
ADNOC, 05 January 2023 Industry 4.0, bringing efficiency, flexibility, qual- four children in the Christmas eve tragedy. The
ity and productivity to high levels. It’s apparent Boksburg railway bridge that was damaged
that most of the sectors, especially the energy remains a no-go area as investigations are con-
REFINING & FUELS sector, will follow this pattern.” tinuing. The Gauteng provincial government
bne/IntelliNews, 03 January 2023 has estimated that damages at the hospital would
Turkcell to deploy private South Africa: Death toll exceed ZAR18mn ($1mn).
The Ekurhuleni Metro Council says it is con-
5G network on SOCAR from Christmas Eve tinuing to engage with families of the victims
of the explosion as many are preparing to bury
Turkiye’s “petrochemical Boksburg gas tanker their loved ones.
Some families have already received support
and refining peninsula” with burials, and others are receiving psycholog-
ical counselling.
Turkcell is to deploy a 5G-ready private wireless explosion climbs to 37 The 32-year-old driver was arrested but was
network on Turkey’s Aliaga Peninsula, home to South Africans are mourning the death of 37 later released without appearing in court after it
the Petkim petrochemical, STAR refinery and people who succumbed to their injuries fol- was stated that there was insufficient evidence
Aliaga container port subsidiaries of SOCAR lowing a gas tanker explosion on Christmas against him, writes News24.
Turkiye. Eve in the city of Boksburg, in the Ekurhuleni bna/IntelliNews, 06 January 2023
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 01 05•January•2023