Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 49 2021
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       with its regularly scheduled semi-annual   2021. Kimbell estimates that, as of November   gas (RSG) certification for the entirety of
       redetermination. Additionally, PHX has   1, 2021, the seller’s royalty assets produced 700  their upstream and midstream assets via
       entered into purchase and sale agreements to   boepd (6:1) (240 bpd of oil, 123 bpd of NGLs   a partnership with Project Canary, the
       acquire 426 total net royalty acres in Caddo   and 2,021 mcf per day of natural gas) across   companies announced today.
       Parish, La., for $5,787,272 in cash from   a diverse property set with over 26,000 gross   The partnership builds on Tug Hill’s pilot
       two private sellers, subject to customary   producing wells across the Permian, Mid-  programme with Project Canary initiated
       closing adjustments. The acquisition will   Continent, Haynesville and other leading US   earlier this year, in which the company gained
       be funded with a combination of cash on   basins.                        TrustWell™ ‘platinum’ certification, indicating
       hand and borrowings under the company’s   Concurrent with the closing of the   performance in the top ten% of peers, on 45 of
       credit facility. Pro forma the Acquisition, the   acquisition, Kimbell completed the   the company’s wells.
       Company’s total debt drawn on the credit   redemption of 25,000 Series A cumulative   Tug Hill and XcL, which principally
       facility will be approximately $20.0mn. The   convertible preferred units, representing the   operate in West Virginia’s Marshall and
       Board of Directors of PHX unanimously   entirety of the outstanding preferred units   Wetzel counties, will be the first upstream
       approved the acquisition, which is expected to   originally issued by the company in 2018.  and midstream companies to jointly seek
       close by Dec. 15, 2021.                Davis Ravnaas, president and chief   independent certification of 100% of their
         Chad Stephens, president and CEO,   financial officer of Kimbell’s general partner,   operating assets.Tug Hill produces more than
       said: “The acquisition assets provide almost   said: “We are pleased to announce the   800 mmcf per day of natural gas and delivers
       immediate cash flow from the wells being   closing of the acquisition as well as the   it to market via XcL’s extensive midstream
       completed and do a nice job of helping replace  full redemption of the Preferred Units   gathering system, which includes numerous
       the volumes associated with the previously   owned by certain affiliates of Apollo Capital   interconnects with, and access to, major
       announced divestiture of some of our legacy   Management. The acquisition is expected   interstate pipelines including Rover, Eastern
       working interest wellbores. The increase in   to be immediately accretive to distributable   Gas Transmission, Texas Eastern, TC Energy
       the borrowing base of our credit facility is   cash flow per unit and is expected to enhance   and Rockies Express. Both companies are
       a reflection of a much stronger PHX with   Kimbell’s already peer-leading PDP decline   privately held and partners with Quantum
       an improving asset base and high-quality   rate while growing overall production.   Energy Partners, a leading energy-focused
       prospects.”                         Furthermore, the redemption of all remaining   private equity firm with a strong commitment
       PHX MINERALS, December 09, 2021     preferred units simplifies Kimbell’s balance   to ESG and advancing sustainability.
                                           sheet, reduces the company’s cost of capital   “The partnership between Tug Hill and
       Kimbell Royalty Partners            and is also expected to be immediately   XcL means, for the first time, gas purchasers
                                                                                will have the opportunity to buy RSG that has
                                           accretive to distributable cash flow per unit.
       closes $57mn acquisition            This final redemption fully closes the loop on   been TrustWellTM certified from the wellhead
                                           Kimbell’s acquisition of Haymaker in 2018,
                                                                                to the receipt point. Tug Hill and XcL jointly
       of mineral and royalty              which was transformative for the company,   believe the integration of independent, high
                                           and we look forward to maintaining our
                                                                                fidelity upstream and midstream certifications
       interests in cash                   operational momentum as we enter 2022.”  will result in a unique and unmatched RSG
                                                                                offering for the market,” said Michael Radler,
                                           KIMBELL ROYALTY PARTNERS, December 07,
       transaction                         2021                                 CEO of Tug Hill and XcL.
                                                                                  “Tug Hill places an extremely high focus
       Kimbell Royalty Partners, a leading owner                                on operational excellence, sustainability
       of oil and gas mineral and royalty interests   ENERGY TRANSITION         and being a good neighbor within the
       in over 13mn gross acres in 28 states, today                             communities where we operate,” said Sean
       announced that it has closed the previously   Tug Hill and XcL initiate first   Willis, president and chief operating officer
       announced purchase of mineral and royalty                                at Tug Hill Operating. “We were pleased with
       interests in an all-cash transaction valued at   production and midstream   the results from our pilot programme with
       approximately $57mn. The acquisition was                                 Project Canary earlier this year and look
       funded with cash through a combination of   partnership with Project     forward to expanding our partnership and
       an underwritten public offering of common                                RSG certification. Tug Hill is committed to
       units and borrowings under its revolving   Canary to independently       utilising high fidelity technology and rigorous
       credit facility. Kimbell is entitled to the cash                         operating standards to reduce the methane
       flow attributable to the acquisition beginning   certify responsibly sourced   intensity of our operations and produce
       on and after November 1, 2021. Revenues                                  energy responsibly.”
       and certain other operating statistics under   gas                       TUG HILL OPERATING AND XCL MIDSTREAM
       generally accepted accounting principles                                 OPERATING, December 06, 2021
       (GAAP) will be recorded for the Acquisition   Tug Hill Operating and XcL Midstream
       beginning on the closing date of December 7,   Operating will seek responsibly sourced

       Week 49   09•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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