Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 49 2021
P. 9

NorthAmOil                            PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The Argos platform
                                                                                                  arrived in Texas in April,
                                                                                                  having sailed from
                                                                                                  the Samsung Heavy
                                                                                                  Industries shipyard in
                                                                                                  South Korea.

       BP’s Argos platform arrives in Gulf of Mexico

        GULF OF MEXICO   BP’S Argos platform, which will be used  processed seawater into the reservoir.
                         for the Mad Dog 2 project, has arrived at its   Oil and gas produced at Mad Dog 2 will be
                         final location in the US Gulf of Mexico. The  exported via existing pipeline infrastructure.
                         60,000-ton (54,431-tonne) semi-submers-  The project cost an estimated $9bn to develop.
                         ible floating production unit (FPU) will be  BP sanctioned Mad Dog 2 in 2016, near the low
                         BP’s fifth operated platform in the Gulf and  point of the oil price downturn that began in
                         the first new platform since Thunder Horse  2014, having simplified the project’s design and
                         entered service in 2008.             cut its overall cost by about 60%.
                           The tow operation of the platform from   The company is not the only one to simplify   The company
                         Ingleside, Texas to its location about 6 miles (10  its semi-submersibles amid a series of oil price
                         km) from the original Mad Dog spar, around 190  downturns. Seven deepwater projects have been   is not the only
                         miles (306 km) south of New Orleans, began in  sanctioned in the Gulf since 2014, all involving
                         September. The platform arrived in Texas in  semi-submersible platforms. The operators of   one to simplify
                         April, having sailed from the Samsung Heavy  these platforms have touted the cost-cutting
                         Industries shipyard in South Korea earlier in the  efforts that were made in order to approve these   its semi-
                         year. At Ingleside, it had to undergo final prepa-  projects in the face of a lower oil price environ-  submersibles
                         rations and regulatory inspections at the Kiewit  ment. Standardisation of platform designs was
                         Offshore Services fabrication yard before it could  one popular method of simplifying such projects   amid a series
                         be sent offshore.                    and lowering their costs.
                           Construction on the platform first began in   Now, the platform operators stand to benefit   of oil price
                         2018. BP had initially hoped to start production  from improved oil prices too, though their pro-
                         from the Argos in late 2021, but is now targeting  jects were designed to generate returns even in a   downturns.
                         the second quarter of 2022 for first oil, following  lower price environment.
                         a slight delay.                        As the energy transition accelerates, the Gulf
                           The Mad Dog 2 project is located in water  also stands to benefit from having a lower car-
                         depths of around 4,500 feet (1,372 metres) and  bon intensity profile than many other oil- and
                         the Argos is expected to produce up to 140,000  gas-producing regions. On top of this, operators
                         barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) through  are seeking to further shrink the region’s carbon
                         a subsea production system from 14 wells. BP  footprint, including through the electrification
                         is planning to boost recovery from the project  of their operations, as well as by reducing the size
                         by injecting 140,000 barrels per day (bpd) of  and part count of offshore infrastructure.™

       Week 49   09•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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