Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 49 2021
P. 7

NorthAmOil                           PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Magellan explores Longhorn pipeline options

        TEXAS            MAGELLAN Midstream has said it is evaluating  Bridgetex pipeline, to stay relatively flat for a few
                         alternative uses for its Longhorn crude pipeline  years.
                         from the Permian Basin. The company said this   Mears added that he anticipated slow but
                         week that it was exploring options that include  steady growth in Permian output over the next
                         converting the pipeline to carry other fuels,  few years, with it matching the current pipeline
                         including natural gas or refined products.  infrastructure carrying oil out of the basin by
                           The 450-mile (724-km) Longhorn pipeline  2024 or 2025.
                         has the capacity to move up to 275,000 barrels   The comments about the Longhorn pipeline
                         per day (bpd) of crude from the West Texas por-  come after Magellan raised its annual forecast for
                         tion of the Permian to Houston.      shipments of refined products in early Novem-
                           The move comes as pipeline operators strug-  ber on rising demand for jet fuel and distillates.
                         gle with certain market dynamics following the  The company now expects the shipments to
                         onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic  expand by 14% compared with 2020 levels, up
                         last year. In 2020, lower production forced pipe-  from a previous projection of 13%, as volumes
                         line operators to reduce rates in a bid to attract  are added from expansion projects in Texas in
                         barrels to their pipelines. The dip in output fol-  the wake of the first waves of the pandemic.
                         lowed a pipeline construction spree that had   Magellan also said it expected gasoline ship-
                         added significant new takeaway capacity to the  ments to be 10% higher than a year earlier, dis-
                         basin. Permian production has since bounced  tillates to rise 17% and aviation fuel to increase
                         back, but pipeline operators have continued to  by 40%. These projections compare with a July
                         face challenges owing to this glut of new capacity.  forecast for a rise of 13% in gasoline shipments,
                           Speaking at a virtual event hosted by Wells  10% in distillates and 25% in aviation fuel.
                         Fargo, Magellan’s CEO, Michael Mears, said the   Given Magellan’s expectations for refined
                         margins on spot shipments from the Permian  product shipments, it is perhaps not surprising
                         were currently “extremely low”. He expects vol-  that it is considering converting an oil pipeline
                         umes on Longhorn, as well as the 440,000 bpd  on which volumes are flat.™


       Alberta prepares to end curtailment policy

        ALBERTA          THE Canadian province of Alberta will allow its  the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pan-
                         oil production curtailment policy to expire on  demic, with the first wave of lockdowns leading
                         December 31. The provincial government has  to a collapse in crude prices and demand. Oil
                         said that the policy is no longer needed.  sands producers – among others – responded by
                           The policy was introduced by Alberta’s previ-  voluntarily shutting in significant proportions of
                         ous New Democratic Party (NDP) government  their output.
                         in 2019 in a bid to prop up Western Canadian   Indeed, the Alberta government has not had
                         crude prices, which had been trading at an  to impose production limits on the province’s
                         increasingly steeper discount to US benchmarks.  oil industry since December 2020. Output has
                         This situation had come about as a result of take-  bounced back this year, but the recent start-up
                         away capacity bottlenecks in Alberta, which is  of Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement pipeline has
                         home to Canada’s prolific oil sands, among other  helped to alleviate the takeaway capacity short-
                         factors.                             ages that the oil sands had previously struggled
                           The discounts were hitting both company  with.
                         profits and provincial revenues from oil and   “The market is now working as it should:
                         gas operations and the challenges faced by  oil production has reached pre-pandemic lev-
                         new pipeline projects meant that the takeaway  els but is within export capacity, and storage
                         capacity crunch was not going to be alleviated  levels are expected to remain within the nor-
                         anytime soon when the policy was first brought  mal range of operations,” Alberta Minister of
                         in.                                  Energy Sonya Savage said in a statement. “This
                           The NDP was succeeded by the United Con-  is in large part because Enbridge’s Line 3 is now
                         servative Party (UCP), which sought to gradually  online and operational and the Trans Moun-
                         scale back the output curbs but initially struggled  tain Expansion is expected to come online in
                         to do so. The situation changed, however, with  early 2023,” she added.™

       Week 49   09•December•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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