Page 10 - MEOG Week 20 2022
P. 10

MEOG                                   PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       Iran courts Russian firms

       for field development

        IRAN             THE head of the National Iranian Oil Co.  bpd in early 2004 and has achieved 100,000 bpd
                         (NIOC) said this week that Russian companies  at various points since 2007.
                         would “soon” begin work on developing two Ira-  NIOC anticipates a healthy recovery rate of
                         nian oilfields.                      around 45%, although there is less data available
                           Speaking on the sidelines of the Iran Oil  on the Ab Teymour field, which remains largely
                         Show in Tehran, NIOC managing director  undeveloped, NIOC estimates are that it holds
                         Mohsen Khojastehmehr offered little more than  around 2bn barrels of reserves with more than
                         that “executive operations […] will begin soon”,  15.2bn barrels in place.
                         declining to disclose the identity of either the   Ab Teymour currently produces around
                         companies or the fields in question.  60,000 bpd, though the field’s recovery rate has
                           However, Middle East Oil & Gas (MEOG)  suffered because of a lack of investment and is
                         understands that background talks remain  currently around just 2.3%. The field is currently
                         ongoing between Iranian officials and Lukoil  run by NIOC subsidiary National Iranian South
                         for the development of the Ab Teymour and  Oil Co. (NISOC), with operations overseen by
                         Mansouri fields, which were included in a broad  another subsidiary, Karoun Oil and Gas Produc-
                         framework agreement between Moscow and  tion Co. (KOGPC), which anticipates increasing
                         Tehran for Russian firms to develop at least eight  output to 95,000 bpd.
                         major oil and gas assets before the deal fell apart   Prior to the collapse of the JCPOA, Iran’s
                         when the US re-imposed sanctions in 2018.  Ministry of Petroleum (MoP) had provided data
                           The company signed a memorandum of  for the field to several IOCs, with proposed field
                         understanding (MoU) with NIOC in 2016 for  development plans (FDPs) having been submit-
                         studies of the Ab Teymour and Mansouri fields.  ted by Indonesia’s Pertamina, Denmark’s Maersk
                           In June last year, then-Lukoil CEO Vagit Ale-  Oil (now owned by France’s TotalEnergies) and
                         kperov said the company hoped to return to the  Lukoil.
                         development of Mansouri. “We have advanced   Lukoil’s FDP envisaged production from Ab
                         quite far there, almost all documents on the  Teymour reaching 150,000 bpd and Pertamina
                         Mansouri field are ready. As soon as all these  250,000 bpd, while Maersk provided three dif-
                         restrictions are lifted, we will be happy to resume  ferent scenarios for each 200,000 bpd, 300,000
                         both the negotiation process and practical work  bpd and 450,000 bpd, with the latter plateauing
                         on the project,” he said.            at this level for at least 40 years, which would
                           Alekperov added that the terms of the Iran  increase the recovery rate to 12%.
                         Petroleum Contract (IPC) contract proposed by   Seismic surveying around Ab Teymour has
                         the Iranian side suited Lukoil but added that his  also resulted in the discovery of a new reservoir
                         company was yet to consider other projects in  structure which is believed to hold an additional
                         the country. Discussions on the projects were put  2bn barrels of OIP.
                         on hold after the US pulled out of the Joint Com-  At the time of the MoU signing, MEOG
                         prehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and reim-  quoted a senior oil and gas industry source in
                         posed sanctions on the country’s oil industry.  Tehran as saying: “The trade-off for Lukoil is that
                           The Mansouri field, in the southern Khuz-  it gets an open goal with Mansouri in exchange
                         estan province, has an estimated 3.1bn barrels of  for having to put a bit more effort into Ab Tey-
                         oil in place (OIP). According to NIOC, by 2015  mour, but with the prospect of a huge pay-out
                         the project to develop Mansouri was around 99%  down the line, as per the terms of the contract.”
                         complete, with new production and desalting   He added: “The preliminary contract that has
                         units almost finished.               been signed will be the IPC model [and] stipu-
                           The Phase 1 production target was set at  lates that the take for Lukoil from [Ab Teymour]
                         100,000 barrels per day, with the second phase  will be around 30% higher than is being offered
                         adding a further 150,000 bpd. Production from  as the standard for oil and gas fields that have
                         the Asmari layer alone averaged around 60,000  been partially developed already.”™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 20   18•May•2022
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