Page 12 - MEOG Week 20 2022
P. 12

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              government is still underway.        co-operation between the two countries. Iran
                                             An Iraqi oil ministry legal adviser, who   has been critical in supporting a recovery
       Iraq bids to control                spoke on condition of anonymity, told Reuters   in Venezuela’s crude production, which
                                                                                according to Argus estimates rose to 700,000
                                           that a joint government committee, including
       Kurdistan oil revenue with          representatives from the oil ministry   b/d in January-April from 470,000 b/d in the
                                           including the minister, Iraq’s National Oil
                                                                                same period last year.
       contract switch                     Company (INOC) as well as the Federal   sending shipments of condensate to dilute
                                                                                  In a swap for Venezuelan crude, Iran is
                                           Board of Supreme Audit (FBSA), will conduct
       Iraq has made a fresh attempt to control   a contractual review.         and upgrade extra heavy oil supply from
       revenue from the semi-autonomous region   The aim is to eventually sign contracts with   the Orinoco belt into an exportable crude
       of Kurdistan by asking oil and gas firms   the central government and not the KRG, the   grade. Tracking data from oil analytics firm
       operating there to sign new contracts with   adviser added.              Vortexa indicate Iran is now also shipping
       state-owned marketer SOMO rather than the   Foreign oil firms present in the Kurdistan   Iranian Heavy crude to Caracas, with the
       Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG).  region including Genel Energy, Chevron and   tanker Dino I discharging 370,000 bl of the
          Oil minister Ihsan Ismael on May 7 said   Gulf Keystone, and Cleary Gottlieb declined   grade at Venezuela’s Jose Terminal on 7 May.
       Iraq’s oil ministry would start implementing a   to comment, while Iraq’s oil ministry and   At 29.5°API, Iranian Heavy offers a lighter
       February federal court ruling that deemed the   oil and gas firm DNO did not immediately   alternative to Venezuela’s 16.2°API Merey
       legal foundations of the Kurdistan region’s oil   respond to requests for comment.  grade.
       and gas sector unconstitutional.      The oil ministry has yet to receive   It is not clear whether Tehran will continue
         A letter seen by Reuters shows that the   responses from the companies concerned and   such deliveries to Venezuela, but it may have
       oil ministry appointed international law   could take further legal measures in the case   more Iranian Heavy available because of
       firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen and Hamilton to   of no response, one oil ministry official said,   reduced demand from China in the wake
       approach some oil and gas firms operating in   without elaborating.      of recent Covid lockdowns there. Chinese
       the Kurdistan region to “initiate discussions to   Foreign oil firms are unlikely to engage   buyers, which are the main consumers of
       bring their operations into line with applicable   with Baghdad directly without coordination   both Iranian and Venezuelan crude exports,
       Iraqi law.”                         with the KRG, one oil firm representative told   also have the option of importing heavily
         Implementing the court decision “will   Reuters.                       discounted supplies of Russian Urals crude,
       require changes to the contractual regime” for   REUTERS                 which Moscow is prepared to redirect from
       the companies, the letter added. Other firms                             Europe if the EU goes ahead with its proposed
       received a letter directly from the oil minister,   Iran offers support to   embargo on Russian oil imports.
       one source said.                                                           Meanwhile, Venezuelan crude output
         The KRG has repeatedly rejected the   Venezuela’s oil sector           could pick up further if PdV’s joint-venture
       federal court ruling.                                                    partners, notably Chevron, resume operations
         The letters, which were sent on May 8,   Iran has stepped in to support the oil sector of   that have been restricted by US sanctions
       mark the first direct contact between the   fellow sanctions-hit Venezuela, following an   since 2019. The White House said this week
       ministry and oil firms operating in the   unannounced trip to Caracas by Iranian oil   that it will give Chevron more leeway to
       Kurdistan region. The move follows years of   minister Javad Owji earlier this month.  negotiate its future operations in Venezuela - a
       attempts by the federal government to bring   Owji and his Venezuelan counterpart,   gesture of goodwill intended to incentivise
       KRG revenues under its control, including   Tarek el Aissami, signed an initial deal in early   talks between President Nicolas Maduro
       local court rulings and threats of international   May for Tehran to supply refinery equipment   and Juan Guaido’s opposition coalition - but
       arbitration.                        to Venezuela and to help with repairs at state-  without real progress in those talks, sanctions
         The implications of the latest move are   owned PdV’s 140,000 b/d El Palito refinery in   relief is unlikely.
       not fully clear as more than seven months   Carabobo state, according to a source close to   ARGUS
       since elections in Iraq, the formation of a   the matter. The agreement deepens existing

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