Page 6 - DMEA Week 43 2020
P. 6

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Iraq remains committed to oil


       The country’s oil minister has underlined its commitment to ramping up oil
       production amid market struggles

        IRAQ             IRAQ’S Oil Minister told conferences over the  be provided by the CSSP.
                         past week that the country has no intention of   However, BP has greater flexibility in its
       WHAT:             cancelling or postponing any projects with inter-  development of the supergiant Rumaila field.
       The country’s oil minister   national oil companies (IOCs), but admitted that  Its Qarmat Ali water treatment plant provides
       told conference attendees   the ongoing pandemic has caused delays.  around 500,000 bpd of water and the capacity
       this week that Baghdad   Speaking during the Siemens MEA Energy  could be doubled to avoid reliance on the CSSP.
       intends to increase oil   Week, Ihsan Abdul Jabbar said: “Our contracts  With water-flooding planned to boost output,
       production capacity to   with our IOCs in Iraq will stay as is – there is  though, estimates have suggested that the field’s
       7mn barrels by 2027.t  no cancelling of projects … There is some slow-  water requirements could reach 8mn bpd.
                         down due to the cash shortage, but our commit-  Meanwhile, Jabbar also alluded to delays to
       WHY:              ments with our IOCs will stay.”      the laying of three pipelines to improve export
       Iraq is almost entirely   Meanwhile, speaking at this week’s CWC  capabilities from southern terminals, with Sea
       dependent on oil   Iraq Petroleum event, Jabbar said that Baghdad  Line 3 having previously been anticipated to add
       revenues for government   remains committed to achieving a 2mn barrel  700,000 bpd by Q2 this year.
       spending.         per day increase in oil production capacity to
                         7mn bpd by 2027.                     Improvements
       WHAT NEXT:          Despite issues of security, ambassadors from  On a positive note, Jabbar said that the Basrah
       French super-major   Canada, the UK and US all spoke during virtual  Gas Co. (BGC) joint venture was considering a
       Total is in discussions to   conferences of huge interest from companies in  plan to speed up construction of two NGL facili-
       develop gas projects in   their respective countries in collaborating in the  ties under its broad South Gas Utilisation Project
       the Western Desert and   next stage of developing Iraq’s oil and gas sector.  (SGUP) on which a final investment decision
       near Basra.                                            (FID) was taken by super-major Royal Dutch
                         Delays                               Shell in January last year.
                         Among the projects delayed by the pandemic,   BGC comprises state-owned Basrah Oil Co.
                         the most unsurprising inclusion must be the  (BOC), Shell and Japan’s Mitsubishi, and it will
                         Common Seawater Supply Project (CSSP),  execute the $17.5bn development to treat, pro-
                         which Jabbar said had been pushed back even  cess and distribute associated gas from the giant
                         further.                             Rumaila, West Qurna 1 and Zubair oilfields.
                           In  May  last  year,  discussions  about  the   Current plans envisage the facilities coming
                         long-delayed project between the Ministry of  on stream in 2027, but Jabbar said that the plans
                         Oil (MoO) and ExxonMobil broke down, with  under consideration would bring this forward by
                         a $2.4bn package for the development awarded  four years.
                         to Hyundai Engineering & Construction the fol-  The stage in question – Basrah NGL – covers
                         lowing month. Hyundai’s pricing for the project  the installation of the two-train gas-processing
                         was reported to have come in lower than that of  plant at Al-Ratawi in the west of Basra to process
                         the US super-major.                  an additional 4.1bn cubic metres per year of gas.
                           The CSSP is designed to take seawater from   Also this week, the MoO said that it was in
                         the Gulf, treat it and then pipe it to major south-  talks with French super-major Total over the
                         ern oilfields, where it will be injected to increase  development of two gas projects, one in the
                         pressure in oil wells. With this being key to Iraqi  Western Desert and one near Basra. Without
                         efforts to raise oil output, the importance of the  giving much more detail, the statement said that
                         CSSP is paramount.                   Jabbar had met with officials from Total and
                           ExxonMobil holds a stake of 25% in the giant  that it was hoped that an agreement would be
                         West Qurna-1 field, where it is partnered by  reached soon. Middle East Oil & Gas (MEOG)
                         Japan’s Itochu (20%), PetroChina (25%), Per-  understands that the assets in question include
                         tamina (10%) and South Oil Co. (SOC, 20%).  Akkas, Al-Mansouriya and Siba.
                         The field holds an estimated 9bn barrels of crude   Baghdad is known to have been shopping
                         oil reserves, but increases in output are depend-  the Akkas gas field, the country’s largest non-as-
                         ent on the injection of large volumes of water to  sociated gas asset, and is actively looking for a

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   29•October•2020
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