Page 4 - MEOG Week 39 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Service deals maintain support

       for ADNOC’s upstream push

       The UAE oil sector remains in the headlines with services and rig
       deals set to continue strong support for ADNOC’s expansion plans.

        UAE              WITH the UAE’s top NOC last week reported  long-term production levels by at least 10%.
                         to have brought forward its long-term oil pro-
                         duction target by five years, two deals have been  Haliba squeeze
       WHAT:             announced since that will support the achieve-  Haliba is one such asset, with the partners in
       ADNOC Drilling has added   ment of this goal.          the Al Dhafra concession – ADNOC, Korea
       another two jack-ups to   The Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.’s (ADNOC)  National Oil Co. (KNOC) and GS Energy –
       its already impressive   drilling arm finalised an agreement that will  already working to expand output from 10,000
       fleet of rigs.    see it add to its large fleet of rigs, while Petrofac  bpd to 60,000 bpd by 2023, and now presum-
                         received a two-year contract extension to sup-  ably raising this to 66,000 bpd. In May, a new
       WHY:              port operations at the onshore Haliba oilfield,  50mn-barrel discovery was announced in the
       Petrofac has received   which is operated by the Emirati firm in joint  acreage in May.
       an extension on a deal   venture with two South Korean partners.  In a press release announcing the two-year
       to support the long-term                               extension to its field maintenance services con-
       development of a small,   ADNOC target                 tract by Al Dhafra Petroleum, UK-based Petro-
       yet significant onshore   ADNOC is understood to have recalibrated its  fac said the field “is at the forefront of ADNOC’s
       oilfield.         timeline for reaching 5mn barrels per day (bpd)  development activities and plays an integral part
                         of oil production, aiming to hit this level by 2025  in achieving ADNOC’s 2030 smart growth strat-
       WHAT NEXT:        rather than the previously stated target of 2030.  egy of expanding their oil production capacity.”
       ADNOC is planning to add   This follows the addition of at least 200,000 bpd   ADNOC this week re-admitted Petrofac to its
       another 800,000 bpd of   of production capacity over the past 18 months  commercial directory, lifting a year-long ban on
       oil production capacity   or so, while the company is also working to  participation in the Emirati firm’s tenders.
       by 2025, and perhaps   achieve gas self-sufficiency by 2030. If the oil tar-  Production from Haliba is handled by the
       another 1mn bpd by the   get is met, ADNOC is reported to be considering  Asab Central Degassing Station along with
       end of the decade all   setting a further target of reaching 6mn bpd by  output from fields in ADNOC Onshore’s
       while it pushes to become   2030.                      South East Asset (SEA) operating area – Asab,
       Net Zero.           As part of the ramp-up, ADNOC’s IOC part-  Mender, Sahil, Shah and Qusahwira. ADNOC
                         ners are believed to have been requested to raise  awarded Greek firm Archirodon a three-year

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