Page 11 - FSUOGM Week 24 2022
P. 11

FSUOGM                                           POLICY                                            FSUOGM

       Kremlin expects no further cut-offs

       in gas supply to Europe

        RUSSIA           RUSSIA does not expect any further cut-offs in gas   The EU itself is striving to phase out Russian
                         deliveries to Western companies beyond those that  gas supply, with the European Commission
       Those that refused   have already lost their supply, Kremlin Spokesman  calling in its REpowerEU plan for a reduction
       to comply with the   Dmitry Peskov announced on June 9.  in imports from the country of as much as two
       Kremlin's rubles-for-gas   The Kremlin issued a decree at the end of  thirds within a single year. But analysts are scep-
       decree have already   March that required gas customers in non-  tical that this can be achieved in such a short
       had their supply cut off.  friendly countries to set up special accounts at  period.
                         Gazprombank, where their bills will be con-  Hungary has been the most vocally opposed
                         verted from euros and dollars into rubles before  to an EU ban on Russian gas, similar to the
                         being transferred to Gazprom. Since then, Bul-  embargoes on Russian coal and oil that the bloc
                         garia, Finland and Poland have all had their  has already introduced. Hungarian Foreign
                         supply cut off, as well as some companies in  Minister Peter Szijjarto on June 10 dismissed
                         Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands.  such a ban as “impossible.”
                           Gas payments under the new scheme were   “When we impose sanctions, then we have to
                         due in April and May. All those companies that  make sure that those sanctions are hurting more
                         refused to comply with the Kremlin’s decree have  those against whom we impose the sanctions
                         already had their supply cut off and the Kremlin  than ourselves,” Szijjarto told CNBC. “We have
                         does not anticipate any further disconnections,  to have a very clear position on the war, which
                         Peskov told reporters.               we do have, we condemn Russia for this military
                           “No, the system is working, the system has  aggression. We stand with Ukraine. But we have
                         been fixed, and those who receive gas are already  to take into consideration reality as well.”
                         working under the new terms set by the presi-  Hungary relies on Russia for 85% of its gas
                         dential decree,” Peskov said.        supply, and 65% of its oil. ™

       Cost of utilities not to rise: Zelenskiy

        UKRAINE          PRESIDENT Volodymyr Zelenskiy has urged   "Together, we will make every effort to pro-
                         the government and local authorities to keep  vide warmth to the homes of our people," Cher-
       The Ukrainian president   the cost of utilities down to pre-war levels for the  nyshov said.
       warned though that the   winter season, Epravda reported on June 8.   Last month Naftogaz Trading announced the
       coming winter would be   Zelenskiy addressed the nation on the evening  price increase of fixed gas volumes for fuel and
       the most difficult since   of June 7, claiming this will be the “most difficult  energy companies from June 1, causing concern
       its independence.  winter of all the years of independence” as the  for the future heating season. The new prices
                         country struggles with the devastation of war.  rose by three and a half times: from UAH7,900
                           "I would like to emphasise that I have set a  ($247) to UAH29,400 ($919) per thousand cubic
                         very specific task for the government – to do  metres of gas.
                         everything to ensure that gas and electricity tar-  Oleksandr Minkovych, the   chairman of the
                         iffs do not change in the next heating season. It is  Kharkiv CHP-5 thermal power plant (TPP),
                         difficult for people because of the war. It will be  which was forced to suspend operations due to
                         provided,” he announced.             the new prices, recently called on officials to take
                           He also mentioned that Ukraine will not sell  action before the start of the colder months.
                         any gas and coal abroad but rather save it for   Although fuel prices have surged dramati-
                         domestic use to prepare for the winter period.  cally in Ukraine, the director of the A-95 con-
                           The government also announced the forma-  sulting group, Serhiy Kuyun, predicts that prices
                         tion of the “headquarters for the preparation of  will decrease as petroleum products gradually fill
                         housing and communal services and the fuel and  the market.
                         energy complex for the autumn-winter period of   Prices for gasoline and diesel fuel jumped
                         2022/23”, Ukrinform reported on June 7.   by 30% between May 16-23, hitting UAH52-55
                           Minister of Community and Territorial  per litre and UAH58-60 per litre respectively.
                         Development Oleksiy Chernyshov noted that  Kuyun stated that the state-regulated fuel price
                         Russian shelling has damaged many critical facil-  of UAH40-45 per litre was fair for a stable, well-
                         ities which need to be repaired by the authorities  off market, although Ukraine is not currently in
                         in time for winter.                  this position. ™

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