Page 15 - FSUOGM Week 24 2022
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FSUOGM                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                          FSUOGM

      inked on June 2.                     North Sea.                           our company’s efforts to support the
         The signing took place during Baku   "While the price of Russian crude   development of Kazakhstan’s energy
      Energy Week, one of most prestigious   has been somewhat discounted, Russia's   sector.”
      events in the energy sector in the Caspian   shipping of crude oil has not been   Magzum Mirzagaliyev, chairman of the
      region, held in Baku, the capital of   significantly damaged," Tomomichi   management board of KMG, said: “At the
      Azerbaijan.                          Akuta, senior economist at Mitsubishi   UN Climate Ambition Summit, President
         The MoU builds on the initial 2018   UFJ Research & Consulting, was cited as   Kassym-Jomart Tokayev made a statement
      catalyst supply agreement between Sasol   saying.                         about Kazakhstan’s intention to achieve
      and the Uzbekistan GTL enterprise and   Giovanni Stanouvo, commodity analyst   carbon neutrality by 2060. KazMunayGas,
      includes technical support from Sasol, as   at UBS, was reported as predicting India,   in its turn, has set a goal to reduce its
      well as the supply of a next-generation   China and Turkey will continue to buy   carbon footprint by 15 per cent by 2031
      catalyst.                            Russian crude because of the steep price   compared to 2019 levels and is going
         "The MoU is an important milestone   discounts. Tatsufumi Okoshi, senior   to take further actions under the Paris
      in our cooperation with Uzbekistan GTL   economist at Nomura Securities, on the   Agreement and Kazakhstan’s Doctrine of
      and underpins their trust in our Fischer   other hand, was said to be is sceptical   Carbon Neutral Development.”
      Tropsch catalyst and our technology   China and India could significantly   “However, lower carbon is a new area
      leadership in this field," said Cronje Grove,   increase their purchases of oil from Russia   for us, and we believe that Chevron’s
      vice president of advanced materials at   from the current level.         wide experience in implementing lower-
      Sasol Chemicals.                       "Both India and China have long-   carbon technologies and practices in the
         Commissioned in January this year, the   term oil purchase contracts with their   oil and gas industry will contribute to our
      $3.6bn GTL plant, sometimes referred to   oil suppliers in the Middle East," Okoshi   capabilities and lead to joint lower-carbon
      as UzGTL, has been billed as one of the   told Nikkei Asia. "Their basic stance is to   projects,” he added.
      largest and most advanced plants of its   buy cheap Russian oil in the spot market
      kind in the world.                   when it is convenient. I don't think they
         When fully operational, UzGTL is to   will switch from the Middle East and buy a   Gazprom reportedly seeks
      produce over 1.5mn tonnes of high-quality,  large amount of oil from Russia."
      synthetic liquid fuel annually, under the   Analysts say the diversion of Russian   ways to send gas directly
      brand name Oltin Yo'l GTL (Golden Way   oil and gas output to Asian markets would
      GTL).                                require expensive new infrastructure such   to Transnistria
                                           as extremely long pipelines and specialised
                                           ports, as well as shipping capacity, that   Gazprom has reportedly sealed a contract
      Analysis shows large                 would take years to build.           with an obscure Moldovan company to
                                                                                deliver gas at a point on the territory
      increase in Russia oil               Chevron and KazMunayGas              of Ukraine close to the border with
                                                                                Transnistria — along a route that would
      tankers departing for                sign MoU on exploring                allow the physical separation of the
                                                                                deliveries to the separatist region in
      India, China and Turkey              lower carbon opportunities           Moldova from the deliveries to Moldova
                                                                                proper, reported.
      since start of Ukraine war                                                about Gazprom's intentions. Under normal
                                                                                  The initiative has raised questions
      India, China and Turkey recorded the   in Kazakhstan                      circumstances, Tiraspoltransgaz — the
      largest increases in the number of Russian   US-based energy giant Chevron has   gas transport system operator in the
      oil tankers that departed for their ports   joined forces with Kazakhstan's state-run   separatist region — cannot buy gas from
      between the start of the war in Ukraine   oil producer KazMunayGas (KMG) to   any company other than Moldovatransgaz,
      on February 24 and June 2, according to a   collaborate on evaluating, investigating   given its huge ($6bn-7bn) unpaid bills.
      Nikkei Asia analysis of data from Refinitiv.   and pursuing lower carbon opportunities   But if Moldovagaz is no longer able to
         The increases were given as nearly   in the Central Asian nation.      deliver natural gas to Tiraspoltransgaz
      eightfold in the case of India, and 70% and   Chevron said in a statement that it has   for whatever reason, such as for instance
      54% for China and Turkey, respectively.  signed a memorandum of understanding   having its own deliveries cut by Gazprom,
         All in all, 290 oil tankers departed   (MoU) with KNG via its Chevron   it is not impossible to see the separatists
      Russia for Asia in the period of just over   Munaigas subsidiary to explore potential   seeking alternative routes such as the
      three months, up from 190 in the same   lower carbon business options in   one prepared by the obscure Moldovan
      period last year.                    Kazakhstan.                          company. Physical separation of deliveries
         “The ability of Asia to absorb more   Derek Magness, managing director   is essential for such a scenario.
      production will be tested as the European   for Chevron’s Eurasian Business Unit,
      Union winds down imports from Russia in   commented: “Chevron has been investing
      response to the invasion of Ukraine,” noted   in Kazakhstan for close to three decades.
      the newspaper.                       We are proud of our history of partnership
         Russian crude from the Urals now   and are committed to investing in the
      trades at lower prices than output from   country’s energy future. This MoU with
      elsewhere, such as Brent crude from the   KazMunayGas marks a new chapter in

       Week 24  15•June•2022                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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