Page 12 - MEOG Week 43 2021
P. 12

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              COMPANIES                              The credit profile of Delek Royalty is
                                                                                driven by the rating of the Leviathan gas
       Taliban ready to buy oil            Tethys provides September            field (Leviathan Bond Ltd; BB/Stable), a large
                                                                                offshore gas field in Israel that pays royalties
       from Iran                           update                               to the company. The rating considers Delek
                                                                                Royalty’s exposure to refinancing risk in
       Afghanistan is ready to buy oil from Iran, says   Tethys Oil’s share of the production,   2023, given high initial leverage as well as
       the chairman of Afghanistan’s Chamber of   before government take, from Blocks 3&4   uncertainty on the timing of the royalty rate
       Commerce and Investment (ACCI) Tawakal   onshore the Sultanate of Oman amounted   step-up, which is linked to the Leviathan gas
       Ahmadyar.                           in September 2021 to 345,273 barrels of oil,   field production.
         This comes amid a time when trade with   corresponding to 11,509 barrels of oil per day.  The rating factors in the seniority of royalty
       the war-torn nation is currently complicated   Oil production in Oman is currently   payments in the Leviathan gas field’s cash
       for many companies as the country is run by   subject to production limitations under   flow waterfall as well as the stable cash flow
       the Taliban, a group which has not yet been   the OPEC+ agreement. As a consequence,   generation supported by the field’s high-
       recognized by any country.          production from Blocks 3&4 is subject to   quality reserves, the use of commercially
         However, the ACCI chief, during a video   limitations but is likely to fluctuate on a   proven technology and the strong operating
       conference with Iranian commercial attaché   monthly basis.              set-up with Chevron Mediterranean Ltd
       Ebrahim Hosseini, discussed general trade   The Official Selling Price (OSP) for Oman   (Chevron) providing day-to-day operating
       issues between the two nations and said that   Export Blend Crude Oil for the month of   services.
       Afghanistan is ready to buy oil from Iran if   September 2021 amounts to USD 72.73 per   Delek Royalty benefits from the payment
       Tehran paves the way for it.        barrel. The OSP, as published by Sultanate of   of overriding royalties (ORRI), which rank
         According to Sputnik, as the Taliban is   Oman’s Ministry of Energy and Minerals, is   senior to operating costs and debt service on
       struggling to resolve its ongoing issues with   the benchmark price for Tethys Oil’s monthly   the ‘BB’ bond issued by Leviathan Bond Ltd.
       petroleum shortages, it hopes that Tehran will   oil sales excluding trading and quality   However, the increase in the royalty rate from
       be able to lend a hand. But, for this to happen,   adjustments.          1.5% to 6.5% at the well head (1.38% to 5.98%
       Iran will have to help its neighbor in resolving   Tethys Oil AB, through its wholly owned   expected effective rate at the entry to the grid)
       a number of issues. Ahmadyar, therefore,   subsidiary Tethys Oil Block 3 & 4 Ltd, has a 30   will be linked to the timing of the full recovery
       asked Hosseini to help his nation and said   per cent interest in Blocks 3&4. Partners are   of the Leviathan gas field investment (return
       that it is imperative for both countries to   Mitsui E&P Middle East B.V. with 20 per cent   on investment; ROI) and this limits the
       strengthen economic relations and promote   and the operator CC Energy Development   visibility of project cash flow generation over
       trade.                              S.A.L. (Oman branch) holding the remaining   the medium term.
         The ACCI chief went on to say that Afghan   50 per cent.                 Under the Fitch Base Case (FBC), the ROI
       petroleum importers are in dire need of being   TETHYS                   date is in 2026, while under the Fitch Rating
       provided with the required facilities by the                             Case (FRC), which assumes lower revenues in
       Iranian government. The Iranian commercial   Fitch affirms Delek         line with the field’s 1P production forecast, it is
       attaché, on the other hand, vowed to help                                in 2027, highlighting that the ORRI payment
       Kabul to create the conditions necessary for   Leviathan bond at B+      depends on the timing of revenue generation
       launching the oil trade by “eliminating the                              of the gas field.
       existing problems” and building facilities   Fitch Ratings has affirmed Delek Overriding   The Leviathan gas field benefits from a
       required.                           Royalty Leviathan Ltd’s (Delek Royalty)   diversified offtake structure with long-term
       TEHRAN TIMES                        $180mn bond at ‘B+’. The outlook is stable.  contracts with offtakers in Jordan and Egypt

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 43   27•October•2021
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