Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 13 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Ecopetrol is Colombia’s largest firm and is an  programme and mitigate Brent oil price down-  arrangements for the remaining 1.8mn barrels
       integrated oil company that is among the 50  side risk prior to oil delivery, PetroTal has exe-  of oil in the ONP from previous deliveries, pro-
       largest in the world and the four largest in Latin  cuted a 590,252 barrel Put option with a strike  duced from Bretaña in 2019 and 2020. These
       America. In addition to Colombia, where it gen-  price of $60 per barrel, for the period April  arranged volumes carry an average initial price
       erates over 60% of the country’s production, it  1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. The Com-  of $44 per barrel and are expected to reach the
       is active in exploration and production in the  pany hedged these volumes based on the 2021  Bayovar port for export by Petroperu over the
       United States (Permian basin and Gulf of Mex-  budget’s monthly oil production profile and  next six months from April 2021. The current
       ico), Brazil and Mexico. Ecopetrol operates the  will look to layer on additional H2-2021 and  incremental value of the arranged true-up pay-
       largest refinery in Colombia, most of the coun-  H1-2022 hedges as production levels grow fol-  ments to PetroTal, which is subject to change,
       try’s oil pipeline and polyduct network and is  lowing commencement of drilling activity.  is approximately $36mn, based on the March
       significantly increasing its share of biofuels.  Second Oil Export Sale Through Brazil: The  25, 2021 forward Brent strip oil price forecast.
       Ecopetrol, March 25 2021            Company has completed a second oil export  As noted below, a Swap arrangement has been
                                           through Brazil of 225,000 barrels of oil, sold FOB  placed by Petroperu for the first 360,000 barrels.
                                           Bretaña. The oil was loaded into a series of barges  Petroperu will continue to hedge the remain-
       PERFORMANCE                         at Bretaña, destined for transport to a terminal  ing arranged 1.4mn barrels and ongoing future
                                           near Manaus, Brazil. The sales invoice is based  deliveries into the ONP.
       PetroTal announces oil sales        on the Brent oil price forecast for April 2021 of   First True-up ONP Revenue Sale Tendered in
                                           $61 per barrel, and PetroTal has received full  April: The Company was advised that Petroperu
       and risk management update          payment for this export. Based on run rate cost  has arranged a physical sale in April of 360,000
                                           assumptions, inclusive of royalties, operating  barrels arriving at the Bayovar port, at April’s
       PetroTal is pleased to announce the second  and transportation costs, and export related fees,  average Brent price less a $2.06 per barrel quality
       export of Bretaña crude oil into the Atlantic  the Company estimates a netback of approxi-  differential. This represents approximately 20%
       region through Brazil and the execution of crude  mately $31 per barrel, an improvement from the  of the arranged barrels that were subject to the
       oil price derivative contracts.     netback realised from the previously announced  contingent derivative liability in 2020. To assure
         Highlights: PetroTal has completed the ini-  first export sale through Brazil in December  price certainty for PetroTal in April, Petroperu
       tial implementation of its oil price hedging  2020. PetroTal has now executed a contract for  has hedged this volume with a $62 per barrel
       programme for 2021. Approximately 590,000  additional Brazilian oil exports through to July  Swap.
       barrels have been hedged, (representing approx-  31, 2022 that will supplement existing sales   Manuel Pablo Zuniga-Pflucker, President
       imately 16% of forecast oil production covering  arrangements using the ONP, providing flex-  and CEO, commented: “We are very pleased to
       April 1, 2021, to December 31, 2021), in a Put  ibility in the sales programme and production  be able to execute our second Brazil shipment,
       structure with a $60 per barrel strike; The Com-  continuity.            demonstrating this is a viable off-take option
       pany completed the second Bretaña oil export   Petroperu Hedging Programme Update:  that can scale up with operational pace and cost
       through Brazil, selling 225,000 barrels of oil at  For sales into the ONP, the Company is paid an  efficiency, based on production activity and
       $61 per barrel less a quality differential and com-  initial price when oil is delivered to pump sta-  ONP availability. Having the Brazilian offtake
       mercial fees, similar to the first Brazilian export  tion #1 at Saramuro, with a true-up payment  option ensures healthy commercial competi-
       completed in December 2020; and Physical sales  received approximately eight months later from  tion amongst all oil sales options. The associated
       from the 1.8mn barrels of oil in the Northern Oil  Petroperu, based on the Brent price at the Bay-  commercial terms on all our recent liftings are
       Pipeline (ONP) have commenced, with 360,000  ovar port. To alleviate the oil price risk associ-  an indicator of the continued high demand of
       barrels to be sold by Petroperu in April for $62  ated with PetroTal’s monthly deliveries into the  Bretaña crude. We are also extremely happy to
       per barrel less a $2.06 per barrel quality differen-  ONP, the monthly sales invoices are, pursuant  enter into the first phase of our 2021 hedging
       tial, further reinforcing the strong demand for  to the previously announced amended oil sales  strategy, giving stakeholders greater confidence
       Bretaña oil. This will result in PetroTal receiving  contract with Petroperu, now priced based on  around our 2021 cash flow profile. We have an
       an incremental true-up payment of approxi-  the eight-month Brent strip price forecast, and  exciting operational programme planned over
       mately $20 per barrel over the revenue booked  Petroperu has placed oil price Swaps for these  the coming months and we look forward to
       from the original sale, including differential  sales to alleviate significant price adjustments.  updating our progress shortly.”
       adjustments.                           With the Company’s guidance and in   PetroTal is a publicly traded, dual‐quoted oil
         Executed Corporate Hedging Contract: In  accordance with the amended oil sales contract,  and gas development and production company
       order to support the 2021 capital development  Petroperu is facilitating commodity price hedge  domiciled in Calgary, Alberta, focused on the
                                                                                development of oil assets in Peru. PetroTal’s flag-
                                                                                ship asset is its 100% working interest in Bretaña
                                                                                oil field in Peru’s Block 95 where oil production
                                                                                was initiated in June 2018, and in early 2020
                                                                                became the second largest crude oil producer
                                                                                in Peru. Additionally, the Company has large
                                                                                exploration prospects and is engaged in finding
                                                                                a partner to drill the Osheki prospect in Block
                                                                                107. The Company’s management team has sig-
                                                                                nificant experience in developing and exploring
                                                                                for oil in Northern Peru and is led by a Board of
                                                                                Directors that is focused on safely and cost-effec-
                                                                                tively developing the Bretaña oil field.
                                                                                PetroTal, March 31 2021

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 13   01•April•2021
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