Page 15 - LatAmOil Week 13 2021
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LatAmOil                                    NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

                                                                                  “Given the vast changes in terrain, climate,
                                                                                and ecosystems across the continent, oil and
                                                                                gas companies in South America are in need of
                                                                                a more sophisticated method of observing how
                                                                                these surrounding forces affect their assets,” says
                                                                                SkyX’s CEO & Founder, Didi Horn. “By working
                                                                                with key partners, our aim is to provide the supe-
                                                                                rior insights needed, so companies can safely
                                                                                monitor changes in ground movement, observe
                                                                                security concerns in hard-to-access areas and
                                                                                identify other issues known to disrupt pipeline
                                                                                  Channel partners, such as E’Kabel and
                                                                                Servi Sud SRL, offer SkyX’s high-quality anno-
       Touchstone announces                “2020 presented significant challenges to the  terrain models alongside existing Fiber Optic
                                              Paul Baay, President and CEO, commented:  tated imagery, orthomosaics, 3D models, and
       year-end 2020 results               wider oil and gas industry due to the impact of  and Pipeline Inspection Gauge (PIG) solutions
                                           COVID-19 on working operations and the vol-
       Touchstone Exploration has reported its operat-  atile nature of global oil prices. It is against that   “We are thrilled to be working with SkyX and
       ing and financial results for the three months and  backdrop that I am delighted to report another  bringing their platform to our customers in oil
       year ended December 31, 2020.       year of significant progress at Touchstone in  and gas,” says Marcelo Velasco, CEO, Servi Sud
         2020 Highlights: Achieved annual crude  which we have enhanced our financial position  SRL. “Our customers are looking for innovative
       oil sales of 1,392 barrels per day (bpd), a 24%  significantly, encountered major natural gas dis-  solutions to better inspect and monitor their
       decrease relative to the 1,825 bpd produced in  coveries as well as signed a historic long-term  assets, so they can better identify and remediate
       2019. As expected and consistent with 2019,  natural gas sales agreement with the National  ruptures and external threats to their pipelines.
       our crude oil production has reduced due to  Gas Company of Trinidad and Tobago.  By working together, our goal is to help our
       the ongoing impact of natural declines, reflect-  “I would like to thank the entire team at  customers reduce the number of incidents that
       ing a strategic focus on our Ortoire exploration  Touchstone for their dedication, perseverance  occur and save costs in the long-run.”
       programme which has limited development  and flexibility during this difficult period which   SkyX, March 30 2021
       capital investment. Executed high-impact, inci-  has enabled us to achieve such success. As a
       dent-free $17,861,000 exploration programme,  result of their hard work, the Company is very
       primarily focused on drilling two gross (1.6 net)  well positioned for another year of growth as  LEGAL
       wells.                              we move forward with our exploration, devel-
         Despite limited capital and operational  opment and production programme at Ortoire   Petrobras comments
       development asset investment and considerably  and across the wider portfolio.”
       lower crude oil pricing, generated funds flow   Touchstone Exploration, March 26 2021  on Samsung leniency
       from operations of $263,000 (2019: $6.84mn)
       and an operating netback of $14.49 per barrel                            agreement
       (2019: $26.61). Continued to focus on discre-  TECHNOLOGY
       tionary cost reductions, with operating costs                            Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed
       on a per barrel basis decreasing by 12% and   SkyX expands into Bolivian   on January 3, 2021, informs that it received last
       general and administration expenses declining                            week the second, and last, installment, in the
       by 6% relative to 2019. Recognised a net loss of   energy sector amidst   amount of $59.4mn, of the leniency agreement
       $11.03mn ($0.06 per share) compared to a net                             entered into by Samsung Heavy Industries. With
       loss of $5.62mn ($0.04 per share) in 2019, driven   growing demand for remote   these values, Petrobras surpasses BRL5.7bn in
       by $11.418mn in net impairment losses recorded                           funds recovered through collaboration, leniency
       in the year predominantly based on lower fore-  monitoring services      and repatriation agreements. In 2020, the com-
       casted crude oil pricing.                                                pany received BRL797mn in reimbursement of
         Established a $20mn term loan with a Trini-  SkyX, a leader in aerial intelligence powered  amounts related to Operation Car Wash.
       dad based financial institution and successfully  by autonomous long-range UAV solutions, is   These reimbursements result from the condi-
       accessed capital markets to continue our Ortoire  announcing a new partnership with Servi Sud  tion of victim of Petrobras in the crimes investi-
       exploration programme, raising total net pro-  SRL, a service provider for the energy industry in  gated under Operation Car Wash. The company
       ceeds of $39.2mn from two oversubscribed  Bolivia, and the installation of an agent in Argen-  will continue to adopt the appropriate measures
       equity financings. Maintained financial flexi-  tina . Since going to market, SkyX has experi-  in search of adequate compensation for the
       bility, exiting the year with cash of $24.281mn,  enced increasing demand for its products and  resulting losses that were caused. Petrobras is
       a working capital balance of $12.933mn and  services from major oil and gas companies in the  co-plaintiff with the Federal Prosecutor’s Office
       $7.5mn drawn on our $20mn term credit facility,  region, fostering the need for channel partners.  and the Federal Government in 21 pending
       resulting in a net surplus of $5.433mn.  SkyX has also signed a multi-year, multi-mil-  administrative misconduct actions, in addition
         Business continuity plans remain effective  lion-dollar contract with a major oil and gas  to being an assistant prosecutor in 76 criminal
       across our locations in response to COVID-19  company in South America late last year, and  cases related to illegal acts investigated by Oper-
       with minimal health and safety impacts or dis-  has existing reseller partnerships contributing  ation Car Wash.
       ruptions to production.             to growth.                           Petrobras, March 24 2021

       Week 13   01•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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