Page 16 - MEOG Week 19 2021
P. 16

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       in Iran. As a mature and brown field, it needs   raise the recovery rate to 10 to 15%.  platform in South Pars gas field, at noon on
       modern technologies to supply more oil.  Under the 10-year agreement, universities   May 5.
         The heavy crude oil extracted from   will be required to conduct EOR studies in a   Moments after the incident, a crisis
       Soroush is blended with that of nearby   bid to devise short-term and long-term plans   management committee was formed to
       Norouz field to be shipped to the Persian   for boosting production from Soroush.  identify and address the dimensions and
       Gulf floating terminal before being sold by   NIOC is currently focusing on maximum   causes of the incident.
       the Directorate of International Affairs of   efficient recovery from oil and gas fields across   In this regard, immediately after taking
       National Iranian Oil Company.       the country and enhancing oil recovery from   safety measures and transfer of the staff to the
         A major advantage with the Soroush   Soroush.                          safe gathering zone, the fire was contained and
       platform is its simultaneous capability of   IRAN PETROLEUM              the drilling rig returned to safe conditions.
       supply and export of oil and gas. Furthermore,                             Fortunately, with the timely actions and
       it is among rare platforms where no flaring                              dispatch of support vessels, personnel carriers
       projects have been implemented. Before   GAS                             and relief forces from various operation units
       Shell, American and Italian companies were                               of Pars Oil and Gas Company to the location
       developing the field.               Fire contained at Phase 11           of the project, no casualties were reported and
         Enhanced recovery from Soroush started                                 MD-1 drilling rig returned to safe conditions
       in the wake of an agreement signed between   drilling rig                hours after the accident.
       IOOC and Sahand University of Technology.                                  The cause of this accident is reported in the
       The agreement was signed by CEO of IOOC   A small fire in the drilling rig of phase 11 of   initial estimates of overheating of the tower
       and chancellor of Sahand University of   South Pars was quickly contained without any   power supply generators, and after a thorough
       Technology.                         casualties.                          and comprehensive expert review, the
         NIOC officials say Soroush has recovery   According to Pars Oil and Gas Company, a   dimensions of the accident will be reported to
       rate of 5% under normal conditions, which   fire broke out in the engine room of the MD-1   the relevant authorities.
       is much lower than that of similar fields.   drilling rig belonging to MAPNA Noor Kish   SHANA
       Enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods would   Drilling Company, located at the SPD11B

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 19   12•May•2021
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