Page 14 - MEOG Week 19 2021
P. 14

MEOG                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              COMPANIES                            economic conditions.”
                                                                                  Group production in Q1 2021 averaged
       Iranian MFA confirms talks  Dana Gas profits up                          64,900 boepd, a 2% increase as compared to
                                                                                63,650 boepd in Q1 2020. The first quarter
       with Saudi Arabia                   Dana Gas announced its financial results for   production increase was driven by the KRI,
                                           the first quarter ended 31 March 2021.
                                                                                which grew by 9% to 35,300 boepd from
       Iran and Saudi Arabia have held talks to   Net Profit was up 41% in Q1 2021 reaching   32,400 boepd, building on the significant
       reduce tensions between the two countries,   $24 million (AED 88mm) as compared   production increase in Q4 2020 after the Khor
       Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson   to $17 million (AED62 mm) in Q1 2020.   Mor plant by-pass project was completed in
       Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a televised press   The increase in Net Profit was the result of   July 2020. Production in Egypt declined by 5%
       conference on May 10.               improved revenues from higher production   to 29,050 boepd, which was more than offset
         The two neighbours across the Persian Gulf  in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI), and   by the increase in production in KRI.
       broke off diplomatic relations in 2016 when   a reduction in finance cost due to lower   In the KRI, Pearl Petroleum, the company
       Riyadh severed diplomatic relations with Iran   borrowings in Q1 2021 as compared to   consortium operated by Dana Gas and
       after the storming of their diplomatic missions  Q1 2020. Revenue was $106 million (AED   Crescent Petroleum, fully resumed the
       in Tehran and Mashhad. The storming   389mm), 2% higher compared to $104   expansion project at the Khor Mor field.
       embassy came after Shiite Iran’s religious   million (AED 382mm) in Q1 2020.  The   The first gas train will add 250 million cubic
       authorities condemned the ruling Al-Saud   improved performance was mainly due to a   feet per day of much-needed additional gas
       family for executing influential cleric Sheikh   9% production increase in the KRI.  Realised   production to supply the local power stations.
       Nimr al-Nimr.                       price averaged $44/bbl for condensate and   The project construction work had been put
         “The conversation focused on both   $33/boe for LPG compared to $41/bbl and   on hold due to the COVID pandemic but is
       bilateral and regional issues. We have always   $30/boe respectively in Q1 2020.  now on track for a new target start date of
       welcomed such consultations in any form and   Dr Patrick Allman-Ward, CEO of Dana   April 2023, after agreement to lift the force
       at any level,” he was quoted as saying.  Gas, commented: “Dana Gas has delivered   majeure. The KM250 expansion project
         “It is definitely in the interests of both   a strong quarter with robust operational   involves a further investment by Pearl of $600
       countries and the region to reduce tensions,”   performance, continuing the positive   million to boost output by almost 60%.
       he said, expressing the hope that Tehran   momentum from the previous period.  In the   Last month, Dana Gas announced its
       and Riyadh would change the atmosphere   KRI we are moving ahead with our expansion   decision to retain and operate its onshore
       in relations and achieve substantial mutual   plans to significantly boost production from   assets in Egypt alongside the highly
       understanding.                      440 MMscf/d to 690 MMscf/d by April 2023.   prospective Block 6.  The Company is
         At the same time, Khatibzadeh urged to   This will contribute positively to our top and   currently evaluating its Block 6 Concession
       wait for the results of the negotiations.  bottom line. We remain fully committed   Area for drilling an exploration well as soon
         Earlier, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia,   to managing our producing assets in Egypt   as possible.
       Mohammed bin Salman, said in an interview   for the benefit of all our stakeholders and   DANA GAS
       with Saudi television that Riyadh expects   focusing on evaluating the exciting potential
       good relations with Iran.           of our offshore Block 6 Concession Area as
         Later, the Iranian Foreign Ministry   quickly as possible.             OIL
       supported such statements of the prince amid   “We maintained our strong financial
       ongoing talks over Iran’ nuclear programme   position, with increased production from   Jordan announces tender to
       which is expected to see sanctions removed by   the KRI and lower financing costs following
       the US on Iran in the coming weeks.  the repayment of the Company’s outstanding   transport oil from Iraq
       BNE                                 Sukuk in Q4 2020. I am pleased that we
                                           maintained the dividend to Shareholders, for   The Jordanian Ministry of Energy and
                                           the fourth consecutive year, despite adverse   Mineral Resources has launched a tender to

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 19   12•May•2021
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