Page 9 - MEOG Week 19 2021
P. 9

MEOG                                        PERFORMANCE                                               MEOG

       More attacks on Iraqi oilfields

        IRAQ             ISLAMIC State (IS) militants claimed respon-  This week’s statement from the MoO added:
                         sibility last week for attacks on two oil wells in  “These desperate attempts will not discourage or
                         northern Iraq as violence against Iraqi and Kurd-  stop oil workers from doing their utmost to pro-
                         ish forces increases.                tect oil wealth and work to sustain and increase
                           The latest attack used explosives to target  production in the public interest.”
                         wells 177 and 183 at the Bai Hassan oilfield   Output from the NOC-operated fields has at
                         which, together with the Avana Dome of the  various points been diverted towards the Baiji
                         Kirkuk field and Baba Gurgur, are estimated to  refinery near Tikrit and exported through the
                         produce around 370,000 barrels per day (bpd),  Kirkuk-Ceyhan pipeline (also known as the
                         contributing a significant amount of state-owned  Iraq-Turkey pipeline) or through the Kurdistan
                         North Oil Co. (NOC’s) total output.  Regional Government (KRG) owned conduit,
                           The Ministry of Oil (MoO) in Baghdad  which connects to the Ceyhan line at the Fish-
                         announced on May 9 that it had extinguished  khabour border crossing.
                         the second fire, with the first having been put out   Kurdistan’s Peshmerga forces took control
                         on May 5.                            of the fields in 2014 ostensibly to prevent them
                           It added that the attacks had not affected oil  falling into the hands of IS and exported the out-
                         production but had resulted in “the martyrdom  put independently of Iraq’s oil marketer SOMO,
                         and wounding of a number of security forces and  much to the ire of Baghdad, which resumed
                         energy police”.                      control of the assets in 2017 following the Erbil’s
                           IS militants also claimed responsibility for  efforts to seek independence and Iraq’s declara-
                         detonating two bombs near Bai Hassan around  tion of victory over IS. At that point, flows from
                         three weeks earlier, though this attack “did not  the field through the conduit to Ceyhan ceased,
                         cause a fire or damage, affect production or stop  with the KRG saying its output and exports had
                         oil pumping”, according to NOC.      fallen by 250,000 bpd as a result.
                           China’s Xinhua quoted a provincial police   NOC then began deploying crude for domes-
                         source as saying that there had been “minor  tic refining, with small volumes temporarily
                         casualties”.                         trucked to Iran.™

       Week 19   12•May•2021                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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