Page 8 - MEOG Week 19 2021
P. 8

MEOG                                   PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       Private Turkish firms enter gas

       price talks with Gazprom

        TURKEY           SEVERAL private companies in Turkey have  imports are also reaching their end. The biggest
                         begun talks with Russian gas supplier Gaz-  importer of Russian gas into Turkey is Botas,
                         prom to renegotiate gas purchase terms as their  whose contract for 4 bcm per year of supplies
                         existing contracts reach expiry, local media has  from Gazprom will also expire this Decem-
                         reported. At stake is the annual supply of around  ber. Contracts for Russian supplies into Turkey
                         8bn cubic metres of Russian gas, or around 14%  agreed with Avrasya Gaz, Shell, Bosphorus Gaz
                         of Turkey’s overall gas imports.     and Enerco will also expire over the course of
                           Haber Turk TV reported on May 5 that Turk-  2022.
                         ish firms including Gama, ASA, Demiroren and   Beyond Russian gas, supplies from Azerbai-
                         Kalyon were having discussions with their Rus-  jan’s BP-led offshore Shah Deniz field to Turkey
                         sian supplier. Their current supply agreements  were reportedly halted last month after a 6.6 bcm
                         will expire at the end of this year.  per year contract with Botas expired. Accordng
                           Currently, most of Gazprom’s contracts  to a report by S&P Global Platts, talks continue
                         with Turkish gas customers are long-term and  for a possible renewal of the agreement.
                         indexed to oil prices with a time lag. This made   Turkey has increased its leverage in price talks
                         the supplies uncompetitive versus Turkish LNG  by expanding its access to LNG supplies. The
                         imports in 2019 and the first half of 2020, follow-  country’s LNG purchases surpassed its piped
                         ing a slump in global spot prices for the super-  supplies for the first time in May last year, as the
                         cooled gas. Turkish companies cut down on  slump in global LNG prices made the commod-
                         Russian volumes, although take-or-pay clauses  ity much more attractive.
                         in their contracts meant they still had to pay for   In April Botas took delivery of its first owned
                         some supplies which they did not take.  floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU),
                           According to Haber Turk TV, the Turkish  the Ertugrul Gazi, which will initially operate
                         private firms want to scrap the oil indexation  at the company’s Dortyol terminal on the east
                         in contracts with Gazprom and generally want  Mediterranean coast. The vessel is being tested
                         more flexible supply terms.          prior to commissioning. It will replace a previous
                           A number of other contracts for Turkish gas  FSRU which Botas had leased.™

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