Page 6 - MEOG Week 19 2021
P. 6

MEOG                                   PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                           MEOG

       Turkish canal would impact trade, geopolitics

        TURKEY           TURKEY has signalled that it intends to start  the sea. Following the admirals’ letter, Erdogan
                         work this year on its long-discussed Kanal Istan-  responded that Turkey remains committed to
                         bul project, an artificial canal connecting the  the Montreux Convention. But he also con-
       David O’Byrne,    Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara. The project  firmed that the Turkish government sees the
                         has faced controversy within Turkey for its cost,  planned canal as not subject to the convention’s
       Eurasianet.       environmental impact and potential for corrup-  regulations.
                         tion. But its international implications could   That admission could give credence to the
                         be substantial as well, threatening the delicate  admirals’ warning that the canal would expand
                         regional military balance and impacting mari-  access for military vessels into and out of the
                         time trade with the Caucasus and Central Asia.   Black Sea. It could thus both upset the regional
                           President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in early  security balance and pit Ankara against its
                         April that a tender would be issued and prelimi-  neighbours and other international players.
                         nary construction work would begin this year on   The convention’s restrictions limit Nato
                         the 45-kilometre ship canal.         members’ naval activities in the Black Sea, as well
                           Plans for the canal were first unveiled by  as Russia’s ability to send large vessels from its
                         Erdogan, then prime minister, in 2011 in what he  Black Sea fleet into the Mediterranean.
                         himself described as a “crazy project.” Its stated   If the planned canal turns out not to be sub-
                         purpose is to create a safer transit route for oil  ject to the Montreux Convention, it would allow
                         tankers to transport crude from the Black Sea  Turkey to permit larger and more powerful naval
                         to global markets, which now traverse the nar-  vessels, like aircraft carriers, in and out of the
                         row, occasionally treacherous Bosporus straits  Black Sea, and for longer periods.
                         through the country’s largest city, Istanbul.   Just how sensitive such a change would be was
                         Construction of the canal and associated infra-  recently thrown into sharp relief by the height-
                         structure will have an estimated cost of more  ened tensions resulting from Russia massing
                         than $20bn. The impact it will have on regional  troops on the border of Ukraine and the United
                         security and trade is likely to be extensive, but  States announcing in response that it would send
                         just how remains unclear.            two warships into the Black Sea.
                           Most recently, the canal was the source of   Although Washington subsequently back-
                         political turmoil when a group of 104 retired  tracked and did not deploy the vessels, and
                         admirals published an open letter warning that  Russia is pulling back its forces, the episode
                         it would undermine the Montreux Convention,  illustrated the kind of leverage Ankara would
                         the treaty which since 1936 has governed passage  have with those two powers, along with other
                         between the Aegean and Black seas and given  states, if it were no longer bound by the Mon-
                         Turkey geopolitical heft in the region.  treux Convention.
                           The convention stipulates that all merchant   Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky
                         ships must be given free passage during peace-  visited Istanbul amid the crisis on April 10. His
                         time through the “Turkish straits” – that is, the  meeting with Erdogan took three hours rather
                         Bosporus through Istanbul and the Dardanelles  than the originally scheduled one, and Erdo-
                         further to the southwest that separate the Sea of  gan’s subsequent comments suggested that
                         Marmara from the Aegean Sea. It also restricts  naval security was on the agenda: He called for a
                         the movement of military vessels, limiting them  peaceful, diplomatic resolution to the rising ten-
                         to 15,000 tonnes or under, with additional curbs  sions between Russia and Ukraine and declared
                         on the size and type of weaponry they can carry,  that Turkey’s “primary goal is that the Black
                         and places a limit of 21 days in the Black Sea for  Sea continues to be a sea of peace, serenity and
                         military vessels from countries not bordering  cooperation.”

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 19   12•May•2021
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