Page 7 - FSUOGM Week 21 2022
P. 7

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

                          Refining capacity shortages are causing refining margins to reach record highs (Saudi Arabia Ministry of Energy)
                         However, the supply/demand balance on world   as a result of the pandemic. This tightness in
                         crude markets is delicate enough, with commer-  the jet fuel market may be great news for refin-
                         cial inventories being low enough, that even a   ers, but it could result in a supply crisis if the
                         small disruption can make a very big contribu-  post-pandemic recovery in demand continues
                         tion to price volatility.            gaining pace.
                           It’s important to note, though, that this vola-  If implemented, the EU’s embargo of Russian
                         tility isn’t confined to crude oil markets. Global   oil and petroleum products will place unprece-
                         petroleum product markets are inevitably feel-  dented pressure on the European fuel market.
                         ing the impact of recent events too. However,   In the event of a blanket ban, the markets worst
                         middle distillates (diesel and jet fuel) have been   affected will be those heavily dependent on Rus-
                         affected even more significantly than crude oil.   sian crude such as Hungary, which would have
                         For example, data from show that   to upgrade its refineries extensively and estab-
                         US heating oil futures climbed by about 55.3%   lish new infrastructure to receive alternatives to
                         between the beginning of the year and May 18,   Russian feedstock. But those same countries are
                         while WTI crude future went up by around   likely to be permitted more time to phase out
                         45.1% over the same period.          Russian imports.
                           And these numbers from the US market are
                         not outliers. All around the world, middle dis-  Africa
                         tillate markets are in turmoil, with significant   Meanwhile, African states, many of which rely
                         consequences for the regional economic and   on imports to cover to their full demand for
                         political scenes. This article offers a brief look at   refined products even in cases of upstream
                         some of these consequences.          abundance, are also being affected.
                                                                The disconnect between hydrocarbon pro-
                         Europe                               duction and downstream capabilities is particu-
                         Prices for diesel and jet fuel have skyrocketed in   larly pronounced south of the Sahara Desert.
                         Europe this year, owing to a seemingly perfect   The two largest economies in sub-Saharan
                         storm of factors. Jet fuel was end-priced at 120%   Africa, Nigeria and South Africa, are wrestling
                         higher in the week ending May 13 than a year   with issues around supply and prices of jet fuel,
                         earlier, while diesel was trading at more than   diesel and gasoline, with the refining slates of
                         double the price.                    both countries largely out of commission.
                           Western sanctions against Russia have led   For South Africa, the shortage is most acute
                         to supply disruptions, as exporters have had   for jet fuel. There doesn’t seem to be an easy solu-
                         difficulty completing transactions. Meanwhile,   tion, and with two of the country’s six refineries
                         some buyers have been shunning Russian petro-  (Engen and Sapref) having already shut down,
                         leum products to avoid reputational damage. As   likely permanently, the outlook is bleak. In the
                         Europe takes far more Russian diesel, jet fuel and   meantime, a decision on the fate of another
                         other refined products than any other market, it   plant (Natref) is due to be taken this year, while
                         is here that the impact has been most acute.  a fourth refinery (Astron) is recovering from
                           Higher crude prices, also partly tied to Rus-  a fire and another (Mossel Bay GTL) is strug-
                         sian supply fears, have also fed into higher fuel   gling to obtain adequate feedstock. Only Sasol’s
                         prices. Other factors include robust seasonal   160,000 bpd Secunda Coal-to-Liquids (CTL)
                         demand, low stocks and a lack of local supply.  plant is fully functional and is even undertaking
                           While diesel prices have climbed higher, jet   an improvement programme.
                         fuel is now the most lucrative petroleum prod-  Without these refineries, South Africa has no
                         uct to produce in Europe, with the physical crack   choice but to continue depending on imports to
                         spread soaring to a record $69.4 per barrel on   cover the vast majority of its fuel demand. This
                         April 29. Cracks have seen more than a 10-fold   is a logistically challenging practice, as most of
                         increase compared with averages in 2020 and   these imports enter the country by sea, via the
                         2021, when demand for the product nose-dived   port of Durban.

       Week 21   25•May•2022                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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