Page 13 - LatAmOil Week 22 2021
P. 13

LatAmOil                                          PERU                                             LatAmOil

       Karoon, Pitkin at odds over

       drilling plans for Block Z-38

                         AUSTRALIA’S Karoon Energy is at odds with   Marina-1 exploration shaft in the first quarter of
                         one of its partners in a Peruvian exploration pro-  2020 but “encountered thin water-bearing sands
                         ject with respect to exploration drilling plans.  with no oil and only minor gas shows,” accord-
                           According to a company statement, KEI   ing to the Australian firm’s website.
                         (Peru Z-38), a wholly owned subsidiary of   Subsequently, Peru’s national oil and gas reg-
                         Karoon, has received a notice of dispute from   ulator Perupetro agreed to extend the licence for
                         Pitkin Petroleum Peru Z-38, an affiliate of   Block Z-38 by six months, thereby green-light-
                         UK-registered Pitkin Petroleum. The document   ing a third phase of exploration. This phase
                         alleges that KEI (Peru Z-38) has not upheld its   ended on December 31, 2020, and the partners
                         obligation to proceed to the fourth phase of   were due to notify Perupetro of their intent to
                         exploration under its contract for Block Z-38,   proceed to the fourth phase of exploration by
                         located in Peru’s offshore Tumbes basin, and   November 30, 2020. ™
                         drill a second well within the licence area, the
                         statement explained.
                           The notice also asserts that Pitkin has sus-
                         tained more than $100mn in damages as a result
                         of these alleged failures, Karoon said. It did not
                         provide a breakdown of this figure, but it did say
                         that KEI rejected these claims and would “vig-
                         orously defend” itself in the event that Pitkin
                         initiated any form of legal action.
                           The Australian company was responding to
                         its partner’s remarks on the possibility of legal
                         action. “Whilst the notice requests that KEI Peru
                         and Pitkin seek to resolve the dispute by negoti-
                         ation between senior executives, the notice also
                         refers to Pitkin potentially commencing legal
                         proceedings comprising claims for damages
                         that are currently being assessed by Pitkin,” it
                           Karoon began working at Block Z-38 in
                         2008, when it acquired a 20% stake in the pro-
                         ject. It later increased its holdings to 75% but
                         trimmed its stake to 40% in 2018, when it suc-
                         cessfully farmed out a 35% interest to Tullow Oil
                           To date, Karoon, Tullow and Pitkin have
                         only drilled one well at the block. They sank the   Block Z-38 lies offshore Peru in the Tumbes basin (Image: Karoon Energy)

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       UPSTREAM                            To provide immediate production and cash flow,   The Saffron-2 appraisal well is a follow-up to
                                           as a successful Saffron-2 could produce 200-300  the successful Saffron-1 exploration well drilled
       Challenger Energy Group             bpd  of oil, resulting in $1.8-2.6mn per annum of  in March 2020 that resulted in discoveries in
                                           net cash flow to the company; and to inform the  both the Middle Cruse and Lower Cruse reser-
       commences drilling of               most efficient way to develop the Saffron field.  voirs. Significant lessons were learnt during the
                                           (Internal estimates are that in a success case, the  drilling of Saffron-1 to inform the drill plan for
       Saffron-2 well                      Saffron field is capable of producing 1,000-1,500  Saffron-2.
                                           bpd of oil by end-2021, providing a cash flow run
                                                                                  Saffron-2 is a low cost onshore well with a
         Drilling of the Saffron-2 appraisal well  rate of $8-12mn per annum. A full field develop-  budget, inclusive of production completion, of
       in Trinidad and Tobago has commenced as  ment could achieve peak production rates of up  approximately US$3 million, and expected to
       scheduled.                          to 4,000 bpd of oil and yield cash flow in excess  take between 25 and30 days to complete.
         The Saffron-2 well has two primary objectives:  of $25mn per annum.    Challenger Energy Group, May 26 2021

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