Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 22 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       Trinity Exploration renews

       onshore Trinidad licences

       for 10 years

       AIM-listed Trinity Exploration & Production
       has confirmed that its Onshore Lease Operator-
       ship Agreements (LOAs) have been renewed for
       a 10-year period effective as of January 1, 2021.
         Trinity has renewed its LOAs for its WD-2,
       WD-5/6, WD-13 and WD-14 blocks for a
       10-year period effective as of January 1, 2021. The
       LOAs were originally set to expire on December
       31, 2020, and were previously extended to May
       31, 2021, whilst terms were finalised with Herit-
       age Petroleum Co.
         The key changes on the renewed licence  improvements to increase the efficiency and  Strategic Plan 2021-25.
       terms are outlined below.           operational performance of the refineries that   Petrobras, May 24 2021
         Tenure: The 10-year licence period (versus  are not in the divestment portfolio – Presi-
       five years previously) provides a longer invest-  dente Bernardes Refinery (RPBC), Duque de
       ment horizon and therefore a greater ability to  Caxias Refinery (REDUC), Capuava Refinery  PERFORMANCE
       maximise returns.                   (RECAP), Paulinia Refinery (REPLAN) and
         Work obligations: Appropriate work pro-  Henrique Lage Refinery (REVAP) – and to   PetroTal announces
       grammes have been set for each of the LOAs.  position Petrobras more competitively in the
       Minimum of 15 new infill wells and 30 heavy  opening of the oil refining market in the coun-  financial and operating
       workovers (these are inclusive of recomple-  try. The company evaluated world benchmarks
       tions) to be completed over the licence period,  of the main refining indicators to define the pro-  results for Q1-2021
       obligations which Trinity is highly confident of  gramme’s objectives.
       exceeding. New focus on Enhanced Oil Recov-  RefTOP foresees initiatives to increase the  PetroTal has announced its financial and oper-
       ery (EOR) projects/feasibility assessments mar-  refineries’ energy performance, making better  ating results for the three months ended March
       ries well with Trinity’s 3D data driven approach  use of inputs such as natural gas, electricity and  31, 2021.
       enabling the company to identify applicable  steam in their own operations.  Q1-2021 Selected Operational Highlights:
       areas of interest and reduce geological risk.  The programme will promote the intensive  Commenced drilling the 7D well, which was
         Outlook: Finalising the 10-year LOA licence  use of digital technologies, automation and  successfully completed on April 30, 2021. Petro-
       renewals, integrating the recently acquired 3D  robotisation in Petrobras’ refineries. One of the  Tal started drilling well 7D on March 29, 2021,
       seismic data across Trinity’s now larger contig-  examples of digital technologies that are already  reaching a vertical depth of 2,696 metres and
       uous acreage (following the recently announced  being adopted by the company and that will be  encountering excellent oil-producing sands. The
       acquisition of the PS-4 block, which remains  expanded with RefTOP are the Digital Twins –  well was drilled and completed at a revised final
       subject to Heritage and regulatory approvals),  digital representations of the operational facili-  cost of $7.6mn, or 17% below budget. After the
       the improved oil price outlook and the recently  ties – for real-time monitoring, failure reduction,  typical cleanup period and slowly ramping up
       implemented SPT reform (with the onshore  and easier decision-making. Another important  production during the following week, the 7D
       SPT trigger now at $75 per barrel) provides a  driver of the programme is the increase in the  averaged over 4,500 bpd over a four-day period,
       much-improved outlook for Trinity’s onshore  production of high value-added petroleum  accumulating over 115,000 barrels of oil during
       business.                           products, such as diesel and propylene – raw  its first month of production, and maintaining
       Trinity Exploration & Production, June 02 2021  material for the petrochemical industry for  average production rates of 4,000 bpd during the
                                           the production of packaging and automotive  past four weeks.
                                           parts, for example. The company will leverage   Upsized pump on 4H: The Company
       DOWNSTREAM                          the processing of pre-salt oils, which have low  installed a new electro-submersible pump (ESP)
                                           sulfur content, bringing competitive advantages  on the 4H well under budget and on time. Soon
       Petrobras announces                 and opportunities to increase the refining mar-  after the workover, the well was producing at
                                           gin, favoring the production of S-10 diesel and  400 bpd higher than before the operation and
       launch of RefTOP                    bunker.                              is expected to recapture the incremental cost of
                                              The investments in RefTOP until 2025 are  the pump over the next few months at current
       Refining Programme                  approximately $300mn and are included in the  Brent levels.
                                                                                  Production materially on target: Production
                                           $3.7bn of investments foreseen for refining in
       Petrobras, following up on the release disclosed  the Strategic Plan 2021-25.  for Q1-2021 averaged 7,331 bpd, which was
       on 09/18/2020, informs that it is launching the   RefTOP, together with the Gas + Programme  materially on budget. Current production is
       RefTOP-World Class Refining programme  and BioRefining 2030, will prepare the com-  10,225 bpd, notwithstanding that two oil wells
       with the objective of being among the best oil  pany’s refining and natural gas activities for  remain shut in waiting on water disposal pump
       refining companies in the world. RefTOP con-  an open and competitive market, in transition  enhancements which has reduced production by
       sists of a set of initiatives that seek to implement  to a low-carbon economy, as envisioned in the  an estimated 1,200 bpd.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 22   03•June•2021
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