Page 4 - FSUOGM Week 28 2021
P. 4

FSUOGM                                        COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Nord Stream 2 set for August

       completion: CEO

       Risks remain, but the Nord Stream 2 company expects the pipeline to flow its

       first gas later this year

        EUROPE           NORD Stream 2 is on track for completion in  to finish the job.
                         August, the project’s operating company told the   Nord Stream 2 is now 98% complete, War-
       WHAT:             German press on July 11.             nig said, with one of its 27.5 bcm per year strings
       Nord Stream 2 is due to   In an interview with Germany’s Handelsblatt  already finished. Work has also begun on test-
       be completed in August,   newspaper, Nord Stream 2 CEO Matthias War-  ing and certifying the completed string, he said,
       its CEO has said.  nig said construction would finish by the end of  noting that this process would take two to three
                         next month and that the pipeline should be up  months to complete for both strings. Given that
       WHY:              and running this year. He added that he expected  the first string was finished in June, this might
       The pipeline is now 98%   Ukraine to remain a transit route for Russian gas  suggest it could be flowing gas by September
       complete          supplies bound for Europe.             There were concerns over how Nord Stream
                           Nord Stream 2, which at full capacity will  2 would secure certification services, given that
       WHAT NEXT:        pump 55bn cubic metres per year of Russian  Norway’s DNV said in January it could no longer
       Warnig said the testing   gas to Germany, was originally expected online  provide pipeline integrity verification services
       and certification process   before the end of 2019. But the project was  because of the threat posed by US sanctions.
       for each string would take   delayed, first by permitting issues with Denmark   “The US sanctions threats have made our
       three months, meaning   and later by US sanctions, which forced Swiss  work much more difficult in every respect,
       first gas could come as   pipelayer Allseas to halt its work. Since then,  and this also applies to certification,” the CEO
       early as September.  Russia has deployed its own pipelaying vessels  explained. “But we are working on solutions

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