Page 5 - FSUOGM Week 28 2021
P. 5

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

                         and are sure we will find a way. In the end, we  annually via Ukraine between 2021 and 2024,
                         will have a pipeline that meets all certifica-  regardless of how much it actually sends.
                         tion requirements and international industry   “As early as May 2015, Chancellor Angela
                         standards.”                          Merkel insisted that gas transit through Ukraine
                           Back in May US President Joe Biden’s admin-  must be permanently secured even after the
                         istration said it would waive further sanctions  completion of Nord Stream 2,” Warnig said. “The
                         against Nord Stream 2 in the interests of pre-  transit of Russian gas through Ukraine will con-
                         serving Washington’s relationship with Berlin, a  tinue to be an integral part of the gas transport
                         steadfast supporter of the project.  from Russia to Europe after 2024. I do not have
                           “Statements out of Germany this week con-  the slightest doubt about that.”
                         firm that Nord Stream 2 is on track to be finished   The CEO said he assumed that the issue had
                         by the end of summer,” analysts at BCS Global  already been raised during governmental talks
                         Markets (BCS GM) said in a research note on  between Germany and Russia.
                         July 13. “The bigger question is: when first gas   “The topic will certainly also be part of the
                         will begin to flow, which we think will be in time  talks between Chancellor Merkel and US Presi-
                         for the European heating season.     dent Biden,” he said.
                           European gas prices are already unusually   Merkel is due to meet Biden in Washington
                         high for summer, as a result of a heatwave, con-  on July 15. It has been suggested that Germany
                         straints on LNG supply and a sudden rush by  and the US might seek guarantees from Rus-
                         traders to place more volumes in storage ahead  sia that it will continue sending some gas via
                         of the heating season, which typically com-  Ukraine after 2024 in return for letting Nord
                         mences in October.                   Stream 2 go ahead. Germany might also look to
                                                              regulate the pipeline’s use depending on Russian
                         Ukrainian transit                    political behaviour, or seek compensation for
                         Russia has already scaled back transit vol-  Ukraine for lost transit revenues.
                         umes via Ukraine substantially since launch-  While Washington has opted against impos-
                         ing the TurkStream pipeline to Turkey in early  ing more sanctions against Nord Stream 2, the
                         2020. Its shipments via the country came to  existing ones remain. And although Biden seems
                         only 55.8 bcm last year, versus a peak of 94  prepared to let Nord Stream 2 go ahead, there is
                         bcm in 2017.                         strong bipartisan opposition to the project in US
                           The delay to Nord Stream 2’s launch was cru-  Congress.
                         cial, as it forced Gazprom to enter a new transit   “The risk is high, it is not something that can
                         contract with Ukraine for transit volumes in  be denied,” Warnig said, adding that if the buyers
                         2020 onwards. Under this five-year contract,  of Russian were hit by sanctions, “we would be
                         Gazprom will pay to transit at least 40 bcm of gas  entering a new dimension of trade war.” ™

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