Page 4 - MEOG Week 17 2022
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Iran continues to make

       upstream progress

       Iran provided more drilling updates this week as projects awarded in 2020
       begin to have an effect and it works towards its ambitious capacity goal.

        IRAN             IRAN announced progress on more oilfield  Mansourabad, Maroun, Ramin, Siahmakan
                         expansion projects this week as it continues to  and Zilaei.
                         work to increase production capabilities across   At the time, NIOC managing director
       WHAT:             its portfolio of assets.             Masoud Karbasian said that the 13 contract
       News was announced   The updates come as Tehran maintains opti-  awards would form the second part of a broader
       about the ongoing   mism about oil export opportunities while reit-  move to increase output capacity from 33 fields
       expansion of the offshore   erating its intention to raise oil output from the  to more than 280,000 bpd.
       Forouzan and Resalat   current 2.55mn barrels per day to 5.7mn bpd by   Shahram Motevasel, IOOC’s director of the
       oilfields while repair and   the end of the decade.    Forouzan project, said that local companies had
       completion work came                                   completed the project and it is now in place and
       to an end a well in the   Offshore                     operational.
       onshore Ahvaz asset.  Around 20 months since contracts were awarded   “Thanks to the priority of developing
                         for their development, progress was announced  near-border and joint fields, the project to
       WHY:              on two offshore fields. The Ministry of Petro-  increase production at the field gained momen-
       Iran is seeking to   leum (MoP) announced that the Iranian Off-  tum, and on April 20 the first well began produc-
       increase recovery rates   shore Oil Co. (IOOC) – a subsidiary of the  tion,” he was quoted as saying by Iran’s Labour
       across its oilfields, with   National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC) – had com-  News Agency (ILNA).
       large resources having   pleted and commissioned the first well under an   According to Motevasel, this is the first of
       often failed to live up to   expansion programme at the Forouzan oilfield,  eight wells planned to raise output at the field. He
       their potential.  while the company also moved a rig from the  said the drilling rig has been moved to another
                         Resalat oilfield.                    location after the well was completed to continue
       WHAT NEXT:          Forouzan and Resalat were among 13 fields  drilling. The development of the field is being
       With the country thought   covered by a $1.78bn raft of contracts awarded  overseen by the Iranian Continental Shelf Oil
       to have 145 hydrocarbon   by NIOC and its subsidiaries in August 2020,  Co. (ICSOC), though it falls under the remit of
       fields, contracts are   encompassing a 180,000 bpd oil production  IOOC.
       likely to continue being   expansion.                    IOOC  contracted  Petropars  and  Mobin
       awarded for similar work   The remainder for projects at the follow-  Sazeh Gostar (ISOICO) to carry out an engi-
       as Tehran pushes to raise   ing onshore oilfields in the south of the coun-  neering, procurement and construction/engi-
       oil capacity.     try: Ahvaz, Balaroud, Chalingar, Garangan,  neering, procurement and drilling (EPC-EPC)

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 17   27•April•2022
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