Page 6 - AsianOil Week 11 2023
P. 6

AsianOil                               PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                         AsianOil

       Osaka Gas to purchase more LNG than

       usual in upcoming fiscal year

        JAPAN            JAPAN’S Osaka Gas will buy more LNG than  position and then relied on purchasing extra
                         usual in the financial year beginning in April  supply from the spot market in the case of a
       The company       as it seeks to guarantee a stable supply of the  shortage. However, now the company is chang-
       is scrambling to   super-chilled fuel as experts predict global  ing course, choosing instead to be in a slightly
       secure supply amid   supply will remain tight, the company’s presi-  long position amid the higher prices and
       expectations of a   dent, Masataka Fujiwara, said on March 15.  potential risks surrounding supply disruption.
       prolonged tight market.  Spot LNG prices skyrocketed in 2022 fol-  “We made a procurement plan with a mar-
                         lowing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as Europe  gin, as causing a supply shortage is the worst
                         sought to wean itself off Russian gas. However,  thing,” Fujiwara added.
                         since mid-December prices have fallen due to   LNG purchasers have the ability to exercise
                         a milder than usual winter in Europe.  a contract clause called upward quantity tol-
                           “Still, we see a risk of the prices surging  erance (UQT), which is normally a flexibility
                         again sometime in the next financial year amid  embedded in long-term contracts where buy-
                         tight global supply as Europe moves further  ers can ask for 5% to 10% of extra volumes.
                         away from Russian gas,” Fujiwara said.  Osaka Gas has indicated it plans to use this
                           Nevertheless, the city gas provider is seek-  flexibility.
                         ing to insulate itself from possible supply   Osaka Gas together with JERA and Tokyo
                         shocks, such as the fire at the Freeport LNG  Gas have a contract with Brunei set to expire
                         export terminal in the US and the pipeline leak  this month. The company has yet to reveal
                         at Malaysia LNG last year.           whether it will extend the deal it signed in April
                           In the past, with more favourable spot  2013 for 10 years to buy a combined 3.4mn
                         prices, Osaka Gas typically took a slightly short  tonnes per year (tpy). ™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   17•March•2023
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