Page 7 - AsianOil Week 11 2023
P. 7

AsianOil                              PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                         AsianOil

       Japan’s January oil imports highlight

       dominance of GCC nations

        JAPAN            WHILE Japan is heavily reliant on the Middle   Imports from Saudi dealers made up the bulk
                         Eastern for crude oil imports, many were sur-  of Japanese GCC purchases for the month, with
       Some 95% of Japanese   prised to see that almost 95% of all crude oil  43.9% coming in from the Kingdom.
       oil imports came from   imports ordered by Tokyo in January arrived   Equivalent to 37.095mn barrels, the Saudi
       the Gulf nations.  from Arab nations.                  crude led the second ranked GCC exporter to
                           Officially topping out at 94.4% of imports for  Tokyo by over 8mn barrels; the UAE shipping a
                         the first month of the year, crude imported from  total of 28.854mn barrels to the Far East.
                         the five Cooperation Council for the Arab States   Numbers aside, ignored by many, but of great
                         of the Gulf (GCC) countries of Kuwait, Oman,  significance in Japan was the fact that imports
                         Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE levelled out at  from Saudi Arabia in January had actually
                         just over 79.72mn barrels for the month.  increased against figures posted in December.
                           In total the world’s third-largest economy   Many sources  in  the  Japanese  capital
                         imported 84.423mn barrels, according to sta-  expected the start of 2023 to be a turning point,
                         tistics released by Japan’s Agency for Natural  marking the start of a gradual decline in GCC
                         Resources and Energy at the Ministry of Econ-  crude imports, beginning with those from Saudi
                         omy, Trade and Industry (METI) in Tokyo.  Arabia.
                           Oil makes up around a third of Japan’s cur-  Kuwait accounted for an addition 8.448mn
                         rent energy mix at present, but this is a figure  barrels with Qatar adding a further 3.875mn and
                         expected to drop dramatically in the coming  just under 1mn coming in from Oman.
                         years as Tokyo moves away from fossil fuels and   Of note, Japanese government data also
                         towards net-zero goals whilst also bringing a  included the import of 450,000 barrels from
                         number of its long-mothballed nuclear reactors  the 5,770-square kilometre neutral zone in
                         back online.                         the border area between Saudi and Kuwaiti
                           The latest figures are a surprise to some  territory.
                         Japan-based analysts, however, especially after   Tacitly neutral since 1922, in many ways the
                         extensive efforts by authorities in the country to  region is self-operating, but in terms of energy
                         diversify its crude supply base in recent months.  exports last December saw an agreement
                           Related to the diversification efforts, albeit  between Saudi Aramco and the Kuwait Gulf Oil
                         still a number seen as much too low to make  Company aimed at the co-development of the
                         much of a difference was a resumption of crude  Durra gas field. It is thought the site will one day
                         coming in from Russia, with 0.9% of the total  produce up to 84,000 barrels per day (bpd) of
                         ordered from Moscow.                 LNG. Japanese interests from afar in the Neutral
                           This amounted to a shade over 747,000  Zone have been long-standing, dating back to
                         barrels.                             the oil shock of the early 1970s, albeit discreet
                           In recent months, much has been made of  for the most part.
                         Japan politely manoeuvering its way around   The United States along with Central and
                         US and EU-led sanctions on Russian exports,  South America combined to supply a fur-
                         although to appease Washington, Tokyo does  ther 4.2% of Japan’s January inflow, with lesser
                         still opt to boycott Iranian crude exports accord-  amounts also coming from fellow Asian nations
                         ing to officials.                    Malaysia and Indonesia. ™

       Week 11   17•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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