Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Alberta reportedly planning

       to toughen oil sands

       emissions standards

       The Alberta government is reportedly planning to close a loophole

       that allowed oil sands miners to claim millions of dollars’ worth of
       credit for their emissions

        ALBERTA          THE provincial government of Alberta is report-  major emitters may no longer be appropriate.
                         edly planning to toughen its greenhouse gas
       WHAT:             (GHG) emissions standards for oil sands mines.  Changes
       The Alberta government   The move would close a loophole that allowed  Alberta is in the process of updating indus-
       is reportedly planning   some of the highest-emissions facilities to claim  try benchmarks that set emissions reduction
       to close a loophole for   millions of dollars’ worth of tradeable credits. It  requirements for oil sands mines and upgraders.
       emissions from oil sands   comes as scrutiny of Canada’s oil industry and its  The province has already increased the strin-
       mines.            record on emissions continues, with the oil sands  gency of facility-based benchmarks.
                         in particular under pressure to decarbonise.  The move was reported by Reuters, and the
       WHY:                At the same time, Canada’s federal carbon  Alberta Ministry of Environment confirmed it
       The emissions system   tax, which has been described as being among  to the news service this week. Two sources with
       was not intended to   the most ambitious such schemes in the world,  knowledge of the changes were cited as saying
       provide credits to oil   is set to continue rising over the coming years.  Alberta’s emissions system, known as the Tech-
       sands mines according to   Against that backdrop, it is not surprising that  nology Innovation and Emissions Reduction
       sources familiar with the   provincial governments support emissions-in-  Regulation (TIER), had not been intended to
       matter.           tensive industries such as the oil sands that make  provide credits to oil sands mines.
                         major contributions to the economy to help   Mines and upgraders collectively generated
       WHAT NEXT:        them remain competitive. However, as decar-  2.4mn emissions performance credits in 2020
       The move comes as   bonisation efforts take on a greater urgency in  and were required to pay for 700,000. The
       Canada’s oil sands   the face of looming climate and emissions tar-  remaining 1.7mn of credits are estimated to have
       industry is lowering   gets, the argument is increasingly being made  been worth around CAD54.4mn ($42.7mn),
       emissions intensity but   that credits and other forms of support for  based on a trade value of around CAD32 ($25)
       absolute emissions are

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   17•February•2022
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