Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2022
P. 6

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       Ottawa to end further Trans Mountain

       expansion funding after 70% cost increase

        WESTERN          THE Canadian government said on February  Columbia in November 2021, as reasons behind
        CANADA           18 that it was not providing any more public  the cost increase.
                         funding for construction of the Trans Mountain   Additionally, the company has delayed the
                         pipeline expansion after the project’s costs had  planned start-up date of the expansion by a
                         risen by 70%.                        further nine months and now anticipates that
                           The government bought the Trans Moun-  the pipeline will be ready in the third quarter of
                         tain oil pipeline and expansion project from  2023.
                         Kinder Morgan in 2018 in a bid to save the   “The progress we have made over the past
                         pipeline when it appeared to be at risk of being  two years is remarkable when you consider the
                         scrapped. This came at a time when Canada’s oil  unforeseen challenges we have faced including
                         sands producers were struggling with takeaway  the global pandemic, wildfires and flooding,”
                         capacity shortages and major planned projects  stated Trans Mountain’s president and CEO, Ian   The company
                         were running into delays and various obstacles.  Anderson. He went on to say that the company
                         Since then, TC Energy’s Keystone XL pipeline  had managed to find solutions to the challenges   has delayed the
                         has been scrapped, while Enbridge’s Line 3  that had arisen, and that the project was advanc-
                         replacement, also to the US, entered service last  ing with “significantly improved” safety and   planned start-
                         year. The Trans Mountain expansion is the last of  environmental management as a result.
                         these major pipeline projects that have long been   However, the cost escalation has prompted   up date of the
                         under development.                   Ottawa to tell Trans Mountain to secure any fur-  expansion by
                           The total cost of the expansion has increased  ther necessary financing from public debt mar-
                         from an estimate of CAD12.6bn ($9.9bn), made  kets or financial institutions.  a further nine
                         in February 2020, to CAD21.4bn ($16.8bn),   “I want to assure Canadians that there will be
                         the government-owned Trans Mountain com-  no additional public money invested in [Trans   months.
                         pany said this week. The fact that the project’s  Mountain],” Canadian Minister of Finance
                         costs have escalated is no surprise, given recent  Chrystia Freeland said.
                         delays including those related to the coronavi-  The government has engaged BMO Capital
                         rus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Financial Post  Markets and TD Securities to provide financial
                         reported an anticipated cost increase earlier this  advice on Trans Mountain. Freeland said the
                         month, citing sources familiar with the project,  two advisers had confirmed that the project
                         but underestimated the extent of the rise, saying  remained commercially viable and that public
                         the expansion would likely cost over CAD17bn  financing was a feasible option.
                         ($13.3bn). Trans Mountain also cited project   Ottawa intends to sell the project upon its
                         enhancements, changes, delays and financ-  competition, though there have been no updates
                         ing, as well as the impact of flooding in British  relating to this recently.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   17•February•2022
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