Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2022
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            Nation and Frog Lake Energy Resources   consideration of 26.3mn common shares
                                           Corp., West Lake is committed to an initial   of Tamarack and $92mn in cash. Cash
       West Lake Energy                    two well programme to be drilled in the   consideration for the transaction was funded
                                                                                through the recently completed offering of
                                           summer of 2022. Consistent with previous
       announces partnership with          operations, West Lake will continue to utilise   sustainability-linked notes.
                                           over 30 First Nation service providers for this
                                                                                  Tamarack is now the largest operator in
       Frog Lake First Nation and          joint venture with the intention of further   the Southern Clearwater as a result of the
                                           expanding its community investment in the
                                                                                acquisition. The acquired assets are forecasted
       FLERC                               area.                                to produce ~4,500 boepd and deliver
                                                                                ~$130mn of operating field netback in 2022.
                                             “This partnership represents an
       West Lake Energy is pleased to announce   opportunity for economic growth in our   As part of the new asset development plan,
       the signing of a partnership with the Frog   community,” said Gregory Desjarlais,   Tamarack allocated funds in the 2022 capital
       Lake Energy Resources Corp. (FLERC) for   FLFN’s Chief, “as well as the development of   programme for the initiation of a Southern
       asset development on the Frog Lake First   sustainable economic sovereignty for future   Clearwater gas conservation project to further
       Nation (FLFN). This venture includes the   generations. We believe this is the future   the company’s ongoing commitment to
       commitment of drilling wells on FLFN lands,   of Canadian reserve development and are   greenhouse gas management and emissions
       advances in environmental and community   thrilled to be partnering with a company   intensity reductions.
       stewardship, and continued investment in the   that shares our values of environmental and   TAMARACK VALLEY ENERGY, February 15, 2022
       local community including the utilisation of   community guardianship and protection.”
       local First Nation services.        WEST LAKE ENERGY, February 16, 2022
         “We’re excited about the revitalising of our                           MIDSTREAM
       long-term relationship with the FLFN through   Tamarack Valley Energy
       this partnership,” said West Lake CEO, Bruce                             Shell Midstream Partners
       McDonald. “Partnerships of this nature,   announces closing of
       that respect and work with the community                                 receives offer for remaining
       who steward the land, along with new   previously announced
       sustainability initiatives being put into action                         units from Shell Pipeline
       are steps that everyone should be taking in   Crestwynd Exploration
       the industry. We intend to put our money                                 Company
       where our mouth is for years to come. This   acquisition
       relationship represents a huge step forward                              Shell Midstream Partners announces that
       for our vision of West Lake being a leader in   Tamarack Valley Energy is pleased to   it has received a non-binding, preliminary
       environmental and community investment.”  announce that it has successfully closed   proposal letter from Shell Pipeline Co. (SPLC)
         The 50:50 partnership is the start   the previously announced acquisition of   to acquire all of the Partnership’s issued and
       of a multi-year, multi-well, multi-zone   Crestwynd Exploration, a privately held   outstanding common units not already owned
       commitment to developing petroleum from   pure play Clearwater oil producer. Tamarack   by SPLC or its affiliates at a value of $12.89
       the large resource in a sustainable manner.   acquired all of the issued and outstanding   per each issued and outstanding publicly
       With engagement from the Frog Lake First   common shares of Crestwynd for total net   held common unit of the partnership. The
                                                                                board of directors of our general partner
                                                                                intends to appoint a conflicts committee to
                                                                                review, evaluate and negotiate the proposal.
                                                                                SHLX will provide further information as
                                                                                  The proposed transaction is subject to
                                                                                a number of contingencies, including the
                                                                                approval of the board of directors of our
                                                                                general partner, the negotiation of a definitive
                                                                                agreement concerning the transaction,
                                                                                and the satisfaction of conditions to the
                                                                                consummation of a transaction set forth in
                                                                                any such definitive agreement. There can be
                                                                                no assurance that such definitive agreement
                                                                                will be executed or that any transaction will be
                                                                                consummated on the terms described above
                                                                                or at all.
                                                                                  This offer has no impact on the safe
                                                                                and reliable operation of SHLX assets,
                                                                                which would also continue if any buy-in is
                                                                                SHELL MIDSTREAM PARTNERS, February 11,

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 07   17•February•2022
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