Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 07 2022
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       SERVICES                            Capital expenditures for full year 2021 were   Transaction could enable us to pay back our
                                           $85mn, compared to $154mn in 2020.   investment in 2-2.5 years and significantly
       Weatherford announces               WEATHERFORD INTERNATIONAL, February 16,   expands the cash flow profile of our US
                                                                                business. The technology rental model is
       fourth-quarter and full-year        Cathedral Energy Services            evolving as a critical service in the directional
                                                                                drilling business, particularly in the US
       2021 results                                                             market. Our collective capacity positions
                                                                                us to meet the growing demand for high-
       Weatherford International announced today   acquires Discovery           performance mud motors and provide ‘best-
       its results for the fourth quarter of 2021.  Downhole Services,          in-breed’ motor and measurement-while-
         Fourth quarter 2021 revenues were                                      drilling technology to a broader customer
       $965mn, an increase of 15% year-over-year   advancing its consolidation   base. Additionally, in the face of ongoing
       and 2% sequentially. Fourth quarter 2021                                 global supply chain issues, we believe this
       operating income was $33mn compared to an   and growth strategy          access to critical motor technology provides
       operating loss of $107mn in the fourth quarter                           the company a competitive advantage and the
       of 2020 and operating income of $71mn in the  Cathedral Energy Services today announced   opportunity to expand this service offering to
       third quarter of 2021. Fourth quarter 2021 net   the closing of its acquisition of the operating   the Canadian market.”
       loss was $161mn compared to $200mn in the   assets of Discovery Downhole Services for a   Cathedral has retained key Discovery
       fourth quarter of 2020 and $95mn in the third   purchase price of CAD20.8mn. Discovery is   personnel under employment and consulting
       quarter of 2021.                    a privately held, US-based, high-performance   contracts to ensure a seamless customer
         Fourth quarter 2021 cash flows provided   mud motor technology rental business with   service experience, successful integration and
       by operations were $88mn compared to   operations in North Dakota, Texas, and   long-term alignment with Cathedral’s strategy.
       $22mn in the fourth quarter of 2020 and   Wyoming.                         Cathedral is focused on growing its
       $114mn in the third quarter of 2021. Capital   “Our acquisition of the Discovery assets   operations, driving improved efficiency,
       expenditures were $41mn in the fourth   adds valuable and strategic operations at   and increasing cash flow generation. This
       quarter of 2021 compared to $54mn in the   a time when industry fundamentals are   acquisition aligns with Cathedral’s goals and
       fourth quarter of 2020 and $20mn in the third   pointing to improving conditions. We are   follows two successful acquisitions completed
       quarter of 2021.                    excited to welcome the Discovery personnel,   in Canada in the third quarter of last year.
         Revenues for the full year 2021 were   customers, and suppliers to the Cathedral   Cathedral remains disciplined in its approach
       $3.65bn, compared to revenues of $3.69bn in   team,” said Tom Connors, Cathedral’s   to acquisitions, only pursuing opportunities
       2020. Full year operating income was $116mn   president and CEO. “This acquisition also   that provide strategic growth in select areas,
       compared to an operating loss of $1.5bn in   increases our US market share and adds a   that add value on a per-share basis and
       2020. The company’s full year 2021 net loss   high-quality customer base of oil and gas   maintain a conservative balance sheet.
       was $450mn compared to $1.9bn in 2020.   producers and directional drilling companies   “Current industry conditions and
       Full year cash flows provided by operations   active in all the major US land basins. We   valuations continue to support acquisitions
       were $322mn, compared to $210mn in 2020.   believe that the cash flow generated from this   and we are actively pursuing additional

       Week 07   17•February•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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