Page 8 - DMEA Week 04 2023
P. 8

DMEA                                            REFINING                                               DMEA

       PENGASSAN urges refining

       ramp-up to limit subsidies

        NIGERIA          THE Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff   international market price. Look at the global
                         Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN) has  energy crisis. Because we are not in control, it is
                         expressed concern over the lack of production  difficult, but for those producing their fuel, the
                         from the country’s four main refineries.  situation is different”.
                           The company said last week that without con-  Nigeria’s existing refineries, Kaduna (110,000
                         certed effort to reinvigorate downstream pro-  barrels per day), Warri (110,000 bpd), Port Har-
                         duction Nigeria will find it hard to wean itself off   court (210,000 bpd) are in various stages of dis-
                         fuel subsidies, an issue with which the country  repair and construction, while the 650,000-bpd
                         has struggled.                       Dangote unit’s commissioning having been sub-
                           General Secretary of PENGASSAN  ject to delays owing to supply chain issues related
                         Lumumba Okugbawa told The Nation: “The best  to the Covid-19 pandemic. These came in addi-
                         way to address the problem is not rocket science.”  tion to previous funding challenges that have
                         He continued: “This is important because we are  beset the project since its conception in 2013.
                         not in control of the international price nor have   The integrated refinery and petrochemical
                         enough foreign currency to buy product …. Any  complex, located in the Lekki Free Zone near
                         subsidy that is import-driven would be a disas-  Lagos, will become the largest refinery on the
                         ter, [and] citizens would be in a wors[e] situation  continent. According to the head of the previ-
                         than they are in [now].”             ously state-owned NNPC Ltd Mele Kyari, the
                           Okugbawa added: “If you remove subsidy  combined efforts to upgrade older facilities and
                         and import, the price will skyrocket. Why  Dangote’s completion would be enough to bring
                         can’t we look inwards and refine our products.  an end to product imports, which is one of the
                         While we import, we are not in control of the  aims of the $19bn project.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 04   25•January•2023
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